1. #1

    GM targetting not working (Players work fine)

    Basically as the title says, I had a session today post update and while me and my players overall really enjoyed the new UI and found it easier to work with, we ran into a strange issue where I (as the GM) could target characters and NPCs and roll abilities, but FGU treated them as if I wasn't targeting anyone. The NPC yetis the players where fighting could target a player, roll an attack and have it all calculated... but it wouldn't register if it hit or not and then when rolling damage, it would not apply said damage.

    At first I just chalked this up to a general bug or possibly user error, but then we found that the players could do all of that just fine! They could target the yeti's and one another and FGU worked just like it always had, allowing them to roll to hit and damage and all that with no issues at all.

    And it wasn't just NPCs either, one of my players struggles with the system so normally I just ask her what she wants to do and then target and input commands for her, but this session it was not working, same as when I was trying to run the NPCs. Then I'd ask her to press the buttons instead and suddenly... fine! Like she didn't re-target or anything, the difference literally just came down to if I as the GM or her as the PC pressed the roll button.

    This is hardly a game ruining issue, everything else works fine so basically I just need to do the normal, "Does a 15 hit?" and then add up damage manually, same as if I was playing on an actual table top, but its a little annoying and beyond that, weird that it works for everyone, BUT the GM.

    I guess I want to know if this is a bug or a new option that needs to be toggled on post update that I didn't read about or if I'm just a big dummy who missed something obvious.


    Edit: The rule set was 5e D&D
    And the issue WAS in fact that I accidentally clicked the target button when trying to show someone how to manually input modifiers and simply didn't realize it had turned off my ability to target things.
    Here is what it looked like at the time and after for anyone else who has found themselves with the same problem.
    Can't target: 2.png
    Can target: 1 .png
    Last edited by Duhad; August 22nd, 2024 at 07:02.

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Welcome to the FG forums!

    I'm going to make some assumptions as you don't mention which ruleset. When posting in future, please try to remember to mention the ruleset you're using.

    I'm guessing that you accidentally disabled targeting. There's a small target icon to the top left of the modifier box (usually in the bottom left of the desktop) and if this has been deselected then you will get what you describe - no hit/miss etc. as targeting has been disabled. This will reset for each session - so the next time you start FG targeting will be re-enabled. Please reload your campaign and do some testing - does the targeting work now? If not, please provide more information regarding the ruleset you're using, any extensions you're loading. It would also really help if you take a screenshot of FG when the issue occurs, and post that screenshot here.
    Last edited by Trenloe; August 22nd, 2024 at 14:37.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    Sorry for the lack of information, I have edited my original post and you got it! I had clicked on the target button while showing someone how to manually input modifiers and didn't realize that had turned off my ability to target things! Very foolish mistake on my part, but glad to know what caused it for future reference!

    Thank you so much Trenloe, you where very helpful! <3

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