1. #1

    Brown backgrounds on portraits?

    It has been a while since I fiddled with portraits, but I'm ramping up a new SWADE Supers campaign and found this issue. When I add an image that isn't perfectly square it adds a dark brown background. If I use an image that has been clipped down to the edges the image disappears almost completely into the darkness. When using a narrow I image I get an ugly frame from this dark stuff. I haven't seen this happen before. Is it new and expected? If so, can it be lighter and more neutral?

    Screenshot 2024-08-21 182829.png

  2. #2
    PC portraits must be square; or the background frame will show through based on the ruleset/theme loaded.


  3. #3
    OK, I see the difference now. I've been throwing any old sized image in the "Picture" box for NPCs and there had been no issue with an ugly background. PC Portraits are obviously different. I assumed that "Pictures" and "Portraits" would behave the same.

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