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Thread: Theme Issues

  1. #1

    Theme Issues

    Tabs are broken in the official 5e d&d theme: the text is white on white. Also, the graphics on the left on the combat tracker seem to be screwed up.

    Also, just in general the theme needs some love. Newly added icons and other elements don't fit the design very well and stand out. I'm a bit worried my favourite theme is getting left behind with the new UI changes...

    Mod: Moved to House of Healing since this isn't a bug in a 5e module
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; August 13th, 2024 at 20:51.

  2. #2
    Similar issue with Shadow of the Demon Lord - as you say, not ruleset specific.

    Can't read menu buttons (e.g. buttons at bottom of Options menu, where can select background decals, message of day etc)

    Buttons top right of Assets dialog (Tokens, Portraits, Images etc) also white on white

    Similar for Party sheet 'tab buttons' on right hand side (

    I'm running v4.5.10 (Dated 13-08-24)

    I really like Fantasy Grounds, but how did this pass even basic testing before being pushed out - stability is just as important as new features.

  3. #3
    @JiFish, I thought I had already responded; but apologies if I hadn't. Pushed a new build to fix the themes; and the graphics on the CT are the same as they've always been, just in different alignment.

    Best to report this on the SotDL thread and we can forward to developers. I reached out to them 2-3 times during the beta testing and even offered to do the work, because we are going through a big re-skinning and every ruleset needed a little adjusting.


  4. #4
    Were the bullet points on the right of the combat tracker always there? Either way they seem to interact weirdly with tw current player marker: https://i.imgur.com/zS9i5FB.png

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Yes, they were always there, but overlapping with other graphics. All the combat tracker entry information was pulled in, so those are more visible by themselves now. I know that Adam is looking at making a pass over older themes eventually, and planning to work on a new D&D theme for the upcoming release.


  7. #7
    Similar issue, this week's update, Theme: Legacy Light. The tabs are dim off-white on dim off-yellow, and hard to read. Clipboard_08-15-2024_01.jpg

  8. #8
    Little issue in character name visualization Fallout 2d20, core dark theme.

    Best regards from Italy.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #9
    Just pushed an update that should address those two items. Please run a new Check for Updates.


  10. #10

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