Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Public/Shared With/Not Shared - Icons

    I'm not sure if this is intentional, but in record headers, the icons are:

    • Public - 3 people
    • Shared With - 1 person
    • Not Shared - network node symbol

    In the databases they are:

    • Public - network node symbol
    • Shared With - 1 person
    • Not Shared - blank

    It seems like Public in the databases should be the 3 people symbol for consistency.

    Arguably the network node symbol instead of nothing might be better if a single click would also toggle to public.

  2. #2
    Good suggestion. I've matched up the "public" state icon to match between record header and campaign list.


  3. #3
    Additionally the "3 people" icon is used on the pictures tab. Clicking it shares the picture to "Shared Assets". I would think this should be the "network nodes" instead if unshared, and change to "3 people" if it is currently shared.

    Also, clicking this to share closes the NPC record, which I don't think is generally desirable.

    Also, also, double clicking on an asset in the shared assets window opens the asset, but un-sharing it from the header there does not remove it from shared assets. This appears to leave it as a shared asset that isn't public?

  4. #4
    The share button doesn't have knowledge of whether something is shared or not; because it's sharing the asset not the record. So, the share button in Pictures is correct for now.

    I'll look at removing the Shared/Unshared button from the Shared Picture record header; because that is not how that area works. It shares everything in that area; delete to remove.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    The share button doesn't have knowledge of whether something is shared or not; because it's sharing the asset not the record. So, the share button in Pictures is correct for now.

    I'll look at removing the Shared/Unshared button from the Shared Picture record header; because that is not how that area works. It shares everything in that area; delete to remove.


    I still think it would be better served with the network node icon. Everywhere else when you see the 3 people, it indicates that something is currently public.

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