1. #1

    [LFP] Swords & Wizardry White Box

    FG License: GM has Ultimate, so any level accepted
    Game System: Swords & Wizardry White Box

    Time Zone: Central Time USA
    Day of week and time: Sundays 4pm
    Planned start date: Sunday 8/18
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly 3-4 hours
    Term: As long as players are still having fun!

    Text or Voice: Voice only
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50 - It really depends on the players, as roleplay and descriptives are fundamental in the absence of things like skill checks
    Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 3 players. Need 1-3 more
    Character starting level & equipment: 1st level
    Character restrictions: No bards allowed! Just kidding. White Box doesn't have bards

    Image a bygone age, where once proud armies stood mighty and tall in lead-alloyed pewter miniature brigades. Now imagine a god amongst men rewriting the annals of gaming history with three little brown books based on those tabletop miniatures wargames.

    Image, if you will, an age when "heroes" were nothing more than opportunistic fighters, who may do good deeds, but generally as a byproduct of their quest for riches and glory. Or the selfless cleric out on a witch hunt, or a temple mission to reclaim a lost holy relic. Or maybe the mage who has heard of lost magics somewhere in the dark depths of the goblin-infested caverns. That was the age of Dungeons & Dragons. An entire fantasy universe wrapped up in three tiny little brown paperback books and a table full of imaginations. My goal is to recreate this era of gaming at my own table, using possibly the greatest of original D&D retroclones.

    The game will be a lot of dungeon crawling, some wilderness crawl, and even the occasional city shenanigans. The game will be overall lighthearted and fun. Some intense dark moments may ensue, but in general the intention is not a serious game. Characters deaths may - and most likely will - occur on occasion, in classic old-school deadly style, so character development through progression is recommended over elaborate backstory. Some bookkeeping may be expected as resource management is often crucial for survival.

    If you've been looking to break away from modern tradition and see what gaming was like for the most hardened veterans of the hobby, then please do apply! Beginners welcome!

    Camera not necessary
    Last edited by sdhouston; August 16th, 2024 at 01:35.

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