Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    LFP: Open World Sandbox, RP Heavy, Greyhawk Setting

    FG License: Ultimate, Unity
    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: Mountain Time
    Day of week and time: TBD

    Duration & Frequency: Weekly 2 hour sessions or Bi-Weekly 4 hour sessions; RP by text between sessions intermittently
    Term: Long-term campaign, my games typically run a year and a half to three years.

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: No

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50% role-play / 30% exploration, 20% brutal combat on average
    Number of Players in game & needed: 1 player so far, spots for up to 4 more.
    Character starting level & equipment: 1st level, standard start within the context of the game.
    Character restrictions: Greyhawk campaign setting appropriate races & classes only

    Details of your scenario: Campaign Reboot!

    We're using the Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and the Greyhawk setting more broadly as the foundation for the game, but I've made substantial alterations & additions to the base material as far as the actual adventures go. If you've played or read through the book, that information won't have much relevance here beyond lending you familiarity with the setting.

    I'm running the game as an open sandbox. There is a large online wiki to keep the world up to date and chart the player characters' activities as they wander through it. This isn't a game where an adventure is put in front of the party and they're guided through a linear story, this is a game where the players' initiative, and the choices they make in the pursuit of their goals create the story. Every player character in the game has a back story to fit them into the world, and at least one personal character arc to work through, and they're apt to need the party's support to see things through to resolution.

    It's a game with a focus on gritty realism, within the context of a high fantasy world. The economics of the game have been redone to put a focus on resource management, and the combat is both challenging and dangerous. Your character will have a decent chance of failure, they'll have a decent chance of injury; they're going to pick up scars along the way. You'll fit in best if you're the kind of person who doesn't give up or get mad in the face of failure and defeat, but rather sees them as an opportunity for growth, and a spice to make the sweet taste of victory all the better in the end.

    Lastly, it's a game with an emphasis on role-playing; there are sessions that involve a good dungeon crawl, but there are also sessions that barely see dice rolled; and we can spend a good hour and a half in combat just as easily as we can role-playing through a tavern scene to flesh out the world the characters live in and what their place within it feels like.

    If that sounds like your kind of game, feel free to PM me directly if interested or reach out on Discord via drmusmus#8730.
    Last edited by jfg1984; August 13th, 2024 at 16:29.

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