5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Any interest for a Starfinder game?

    Considering running a game, so this is to see whether there is interest.

    Game System: Starfinder (Dead Suns)
    VTT: Fantasy Grounds (GM has Standard license, so you need one too)
    Time Zone: GMT+8
    Day of week and time: Sundays 4am (Saturdays 4pm EST)
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Fortnightly
    Text or Voice: Voice
    Language: English
    Voice software used: Discord, Not recorded or streamed.
    Roleplay & Combat mix: 40/60
    Number of Players needed: 1

    Hard Requirement: Players must not have played or watched play sessions of the Dead Suns AP.

    Dead Suns was the first AP published for Starfinder and serves as an introduction to the setting, overarching theme to the AP is an Indiana Jones style adventure that delves into the mysteries of an ancient civilization.

    Preference (but not necessary): Players with little or no experience in Starfinder but eager to try it out, if you are interested send me a DM introducing yourself and telling me a little about why your interested. Players that can provided a GM reference for an VTT game that they played from start to finish with consistent attendance will also have an advantage.

    Note that I'm an experienced GM, but this is my first time running on fantasy grounds.
    Last edited by TwistAU; Yesterday at 13:40.

  2. #2
    4am EST sunday? i'm down for that time

  3. #3
    Looks more like it's 4pm Saturdays. I'd love to play depending on the fortnight. My current schedule has me available 8/17 & 8/31. I've played Pathfinder 1E and own the Starfinder 1E CRB. I have an ultimate license here.

  4. #4
    I'd love to play. 3pm est is 2pm my time. Which is perfect. But it depends on which Saturday you what to play. I currently have an IRL group that gets together every fortnight. So if this game happens then opposite night I would be available. For insurance this past weekend was my IRL night.

  5. #5
    I'm interested in this game is there an opening? I'm only interested in 1e starfinder and have played on fantasy grounds also with pathfinder 1e seems ok to me ...love the artwork.
    big game....

  6. #6
    I would also be interested
    Also love web design

  7. #7
    Updated due to a dropout, looking to fill again.

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