5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1


    From an internal Imperial Navy posting at the Imperial Navy base orbiting Extolay:
    Duke Norris has taken the reigns in the war against the Zhonnies! Part of this process involves issuing letters of marque to privateers to disrupt Consulate shipping. We are looking for volunteers as Naval officer liaisons to these privateers to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with the terms of the letter.

    Requirements: must be an officer in good standing between ranks ensign and captain. Have served at least 4 years as a bridge officer on an Imperial Navy vessel. Willing to take on dangerous missions into Zhodani space. Good at conflict resolution and experience dealing with more undisciplined crew helpful.

    See Lt. Nivens if interested

    This is an on-going, long-term, player-driven sandbox campaign in the Third Imperium during the 5th Frontier War. We play every other Monday from 4:30 to 9:30pm US Central. Next session is August 19th. We use Discord for voice and I have an Ultimate FGU license.

    Message on Discord if interested: knuckleballned (472278633096937472). I may not be checking the forums often, so posting here might not get you in.
    Last edited by Knuckleball Ned; August 13th, 2024 at 20:08.

  2. #2
    Sent you a Discord friend request.

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