1. #1

    Kind of a wish list item - theme

    This is a bit of a random request, I admit. I love the new Edgerunners theme, and so do my players, it's great, except for the white backgrounds and black text. I understand why it's that way, it's reflecting the Edgerunners source books, and it looks great at a glance. However, a darker version of the theme would be super appreciated if it's possible to help prevent eye strain over time.

    If I knew how to do it I'd take the dark red backgrounds and lighter text presentation of the standard dark theme and replace the white parts of the Edgerunners theme with it, keeping the bright yellow and black parts of the Edgerunners one. Would have the side effect of looking very 2077 in appearance then too, which I could see being a reason that might not be possible, IP laws being what they are.

    Regardless, love the new theme, hugely appreciate all the work that goes into porting this game to FG. Might have to look at how to mod the theme myself and annoy my players with testing it =P
    Last edited by Valravn30; August 11th, 2024 at 00:35.

  2. #2
    Given how the theme is tied to the official IP, I unfortunately can't foresee darkening things more, particularly due to the relatively simplified palette I had to work with (I tried to limit the colors only to the provided ones). I definitely would have preferred a darker background for pages as well, but using any of the palette colors other than white one kind of made it look like a ransom note, or had contrast issues.

    If you'd like to create your own theme, however. They're functionally just extensions, and the dark theme on the forge should be able to be extracted and modified as you'd like, just have to change a few key bits and it won't conflict (it's not in the vault). That's what I did with the edgerunners theme.

    Or if you'd like to create a generic theme, that's okay too, the ruleset is fully compatible (just have to extract one of the base themes)

    And so long as you keep it compliant with their homebrew content policy (https://rtalsoriangames.com/homebrew-content-policy/), you should be able to release it on the forge if you like (Just be sure to make sure it's marked specifically for CPR, since we do have a few nonstandard things).

    I also highly encourage using this tool to get any contrast right: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/

  3. #3
    I figured you might have been limited by what the IP allows you to do. Thank you for the info regards to creating a theme, I'll look into it. I've done a little bit of editing FG themes and rules in the past, but an artist I'm certainly not. Will see how I go with that. And thanks for the links, I very much doubt I'll produce anything good enough to think about distributing, but that contrast checker looks very useful =D

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