Hey guys,

My name is John, I'm 42 years old, I'm an experienced tabletop gamer, and I'm looking join a group that fits me well. Sadly, I'm a bit particular in the types of games I enjoy. Most of my friends that I've gamed with in the past have either moved toward 5E, and/or prefer to run the adventure path games. Neither of those appeal to me much.

I prefer sandbox style games, where the gm throws you hooks for adventures, but the players get to to overall choose their own adventure and the GM builds around that, and can flow in the moment.

I tend to be pretty industrious with my characters. I'm often trying to find some unclaimed wilderness to clear so I can build an empire, or building a mage's guild, or creating a demi plane, or reawakening some ancient god (or trying to become one), or creating an undead army to begin world domination lol. I hate feeling railroaded, and I dislike feeling like my choices only matter as far as they can within a preplanned module.

I also like good role-playing. I don't go over the top, but I like playing my characters with depth and purpose. I love joking and playing around, but I also like playing with a group that can stay focused enough to move the campaign forward at a decent pace (I couldn't tell you how many groups I've been with that take 15-20 minutes to go through a single round of combat lol).

I hope this doesn't make me seem like a snob, but I'm just tired of getting my hopes up, and then being disappointed with the game itself. I haven't played in nearly 2 years, and I'd like to get back to it. I've GMed for most of my gaming life, but I just don't have time for it anymore, and I prefer being a player anyway.

Please reach out to me if I seem like a good fit for your group, or if you're looking for something similar. Maybe we can build a group if no one already has something like this.