Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Ouranos; 3.5e, Looking for Players.

    FG License: DM has Full Ultimate License so players need Demo only.
    Game System: DnD 3.5e

    Time Zone: CST
    Day of week and time: Monday 8:PM CST.
    Planned start date: We're ongoing.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Aim for around 3 hours.
    Term: A long while yet, lasting until we're satisfied with the story or its characters die. (1-2 years, perhaps?)

    Text or Voice: Text.
    Main Language used: English.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? My hard drive would cry. I use FG's logs to bring up context for old conversations, on occasion.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: I don't believe the two are mutually exclusive. The world is a dangerous place but I won't contrive combat to happen. The purpose I see in this game is cooperative storytelling, using the edition to arbitrate success, failures, and the capability of characters. As such, it isn't so much a percentage as, "Violence can, and likely will at some point, occur depending on character decision."
    Number of Players in game & needed: We've got 3 already. 2 slots open.
    Character starting level & equipment: Starting at level 5, standard equipment level progression.
    Character restrictions;
    Races that humans won't genocide:
    Athasian Human
    Psiforged (Warforge variant)

    Races humans can certainly try:
    Silverbrow Human

    Note, races like Changelings and Doppelgangers that can seem human can be played.
    Note, the big bad world is smarter than you are, and some day they will notice.
    Some half-breeds are okay. We can talk;

    The gods are not actively present in the campaign. As such, you will not find; Favored Souls, Paladins, Clerics, Archivists, etc present. Druids and Sha'ir, however, are here.

    Most equipment is made through Psionics, not spellcraft, as that is its means of primary technological progression. While most magical items can be converted with the psionic equivalent power, some may not- or have price alterations depending on the level of the spell.

    "If ye go lookin’ for people that care proper… Then I suppose yer lookin’ for Ouranos aye’? Aye… That’s where ‘tis. Where people care just right."
    -Abel, an immigrant, a few days before being crushed under a rock.

    Man originated in the Archipelego. Some schools of thought state that they are the only survivors of the great flood of Ondra, some say that Mankind is the final product of thousands of generations evolution, and others say still that they are simply the Offspring of gods long dead.
    Either way, Mankind thinks of themselves as the rightful rulers and colonists of their world, and those that think otherwise receive prompt correction.
    Because of their origin, Man has advanced methods of navigation by stars, and great experience and creations of methods that would traverse by water. Fishing is common, and trained all military personnel possess competency as mariners. Most humans are of a tanned complexion because of this, only Neanderthals and their half-spawn descendents possess fairer complexions, and even then are rare. Hair is styled in braids or it is distraught and tangled.

    You are a race of wanderers, and you yourself have wandered to The Frontier.

    Hovel is not built in the image of its predecessors. Haku’letou, the Grand city of Marble Waves presents humanity at its cultural peak. A summit constructed amidst the rocky straits of an ancient explosion, a desolate land a morning away from shore has turned into a cultural marvel from the Etrideus, a marvel of man that has ceased its aging.
    Hovel is humanity at its most pragmatic. Pragmatism is affluent with advantage, and many seek any they can grasp- even while putting a foot over their brothers. Its walls are not tall, but neither are the enemies beyond. Pits and holes trap the rot of undeath far from the walls. The denizens know how to navigate these, else they are no longer denizens.
    If you are a citizen, you may know it best by:
    At'zi Street: Trade Road. Travels from the gate to sea, only blocked by the Ruraitti Villa that stands in front of the ocean. One can see it when they enter.
    Latu’Lueta: Street Brigands. Their name translates to, “Enlightening Loins,” which comes from a colloquialism of the epiphany a man has when he is kicked in the nuts. If you pass their members you calmly hand them the toll. No it’s not legal. No, the guards won’t be coming to stop it.
    The Anchorite, a religious recluse that shun Druid practitioners and attempt to progress with simple tithes of charity, and local religion.

    Hovel worship Ondra first and foremost, but the old pantheon is recognized and named (I've traded out the Greyhawk/Faerun patheons for the Eora one. That said, you may find they do not line up with their inspirations).
    Abydon: God of crafting and the forge
    Rikuhu: God of cycles, doors and death.
    Eothas: God of light and redemption.
    Toamowhai: God of the hunt in all its forms.
    Dicenas: Goddess of fire and war.
    Ondra(Ngati): Goddess of water and the moon.
    Rymrgand: God of death, famine, plague, or simple bad luck.
    Skaen: God of secret hatred, resentment, and violent rebellion.
    Wael: God of dreams, secrets, mysteries, darkness and revelations.
    W’ilaem: Goddess of law, memory, rightful rulership and vengeance.

    Hovel is run in all but name by the Ruraitti Trade Company. Whoever controls trade controls the city, and this company’s monopoly of the seas makes it the only contending power.

    That said, most of humanity governs themselves under their 7 Schools of Thought. Preaching extreme social conformity, the six divisions of the study of psionic pneuma- the fabric of thought that makes our souls, are considered the orthodox religion of humanity. They assert an authority as a city state on their human neighbors for racial purges of those that threaten the sanctity of “The Humane Mind.” (Liken this to the concept of the 50s Nuclear Family. The correct way of living, the correct way of thinking).

    The Living Lands is a large, diversely-populated, meteorologically variable island far to the north of the Haku’letou It is a land of wild weather, strange beasts, and hundreds of difficult-to-reach valleys containing oddities never before seen by mortals.
    Most permanent dwellers settle in the southern mountain ranges. Eccentric locals boast that they come from the place where "anything grows." Less is known about the isolated settlements to the cold north, where eccentricity is rumored to go further than normal.
    Large and stupid humans, known to DnD as Neaderthal, are known as, “**Terae-Cil**” by those that don’t wish their skull to be clubbed into their neck. Terae, is the name of the Runes that they adorn across their bodies, evoking the elements and arcane unto the world around them. Cil=Child.
    Dar’maruk is their nestling point into modern culture. The denizens descend from a strain of religious ideology surrounding the south, searching for a point in the ocean where an ancient scripture lies waiting to be uncovered. This search ostracized them from the Living Lands, and created a difference in peoples: The Maru, and The Ayetune respectively.


    Wardens, traditionally, are armed with an axe and a basic Scholarly knowledge of the region's enemies. One might simply call them, “Rangers,” but that is merely the generalization. Yes, a combative knowledge of nature and its wilds are important, and the majority of Wardens get by with only this and a large mount. While one might be able to ward wolves off and dig trenches for wandering undead, what will it do to the dragonkin encampment nestling inside the mountain? How will it answer the arcana behind the droves of missing children?
    Thus, Wardens of their territory are often taken from the territory they will one day tend to. Each town may send a promising young child to the city in hopes that the young ket’ will learn a trade they lack. Usually, only one child of the 3-7 or so villages make it back to assist the region, possessing a bias for the region. More often, the merchant city will select one for themselves and find them dead by 6 winters.

    There's a lot of lore for a game that's been in progress. It's better that I elaborate case by case.

    What do I want from you?
    I want you to write! There is a vague horror to the subject of the human condition in how inexplicably insane some people can be. Show up if you are to make the commitment to the session, communicate your issues with the session with me, and make an effort to improve. By these tenants, my fellow humans, we cannot fail ourselves! The players, I'd say, characterize a great deal more in their dialogue and light descriptions than they do in long prose and paragraph posts. The paragraphs are my duty in describing the world, when it's needed, but pacing and character dialogue is generally a better means of playing a session I've found.

    If you've any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to bring them up in the chat! I will absolutely prioritize the more thoughtful responses, so get 'dem brains a'dinkin'.
    Last edited by Ckaleb; August 4th, 2024 at 18:29.

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