Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #51
    Why is the PHB mod missing the cultist? It is missing several classes. Also there is a glitch on the the 3rd tab of the character sheet. Just open a character sheet and do not fill anything out, then go to the third (last tab) and a scripting error appears. FYI I am using MoreCore RS Version 1.59 20200630, with the LFG- Players Handbook.
    Last edited by Elihu; August 21st, 2020 at 05:11.

  2. #52
    Iirc the cultist is a class featured in lfg deluxe, the paid version and not the free rules released here.

  3. #53
    The third tab on the character sheets keeps glitching and giving and error, anyone else experiencing this?


  4. #54

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    New build uploaded in post #1 that fixes Notes issue.
    You are a beautiful human being.

  6. #56
    Hate to necro, but me and my friends have been attempting to play a westmarch with this ruleset. A few of us own the deluxe edition and have been wondering if it might be possible to edit the mods to add that info in (obviously we won't be sharing that or publishing it due to it being copyrighted material) But we're trying to get a more cohesive system set up for 10+ players using the deluxe content.

  7. #57

  8. #58
    Do mods have source codes and how could I obtain an editable version of the mods? Please ��

  9. #59
    damned's Avatar
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    You are going to need to UNPACK the EXT and the Players MOD.
    These are ZIP files.

    In the EXT you will need to (very carefully) edit data_common_lfg.lua to add all the class levelling info.

         -- required for fighters, additional HD/HP
        aFighterTitle = {"Swordsman","Warrior","Swordmaster","Hero","Swashbuckler","Myrmidon","Commander","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord"};
        -- required for fighters, additional HD/HP
        aFighterHD = {0,"10hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","3hp plus CON Bonus","3hp plus CON Bonus","3hp plus CON Bonus"};
        -- required for fighters, additional HD/HP
        aFighterSpecial= {};
        aFighterSpecial[0]  = {none};
        aFighterSpecial[1]  = {"Adaptable (Choose Default Style) and Deadly Strikes"};
        aFighterSpecial[2]  = {"Supplies & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish."};
        aFighterSpecial[3]  = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable.  substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[4]  = {"New Skill & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[5]  = {"Master of Arms & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[6]  = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[7]  = {"Second Attack & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[8]  = {"New Skill & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[9]  = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[10] = {"Stronghold & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[11]  = {"Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        aFighterSpecial[12] = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
        -- required for Fighter, expired required - first 21 levels
        aFighterAB = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};
        -- required for Fighter, expired required - first 21 levels
        aFighterExp = {2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,120000,240000,360000,480000,600000,720000,840000,960000,1080000,1200000,1320000,1440000,1560000,1680000};
        aFighterSkills = {"Add Common to languages and one extra language per point of INT Bonus. At first level gain the following skills - Leadership and Athletics. \nPlus choose 4 of the following - Acrobatics, Arcane Lore, Detection, Apothecary, Gather Information, General Lore, Insight, Persuasion, Stealth, Deception, Traps and Locks, Wilderness Lore."};
    You can either add the other stuff in the Players MOD by hand or you can create the CLASS in FG (you can also export that for later re-use).

  10. #60
    Been running a pretty good westmarch with this. There are quite a bit of errors though I know no one probably uses this lol. (In fact I get **** from a friend of mine who uses Foundry and apparently Foundry got the rights to publish the deluxe version)

    [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "C:charsheet_more:roll_charisma"]:4: attempt to call field 'getActor' (a nil value)
    Everything I highlighted won't Auto-work ...also the combat tracker also doesn't use low to high as well. Granted we just use basic math and most things still go smoothly.
    Like would you know about how to fix this error? Character nil.JPG

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