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  1. #71

    Ref. the XP: Ok, got it now. Just tried it out as well. Thank you.

    Out of curiousity, is it possible to add dragging the red box of the award to the character in the Party sheet as well in a future update?
    Fantasy Grounds II Ultimate License Holder
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    Currently Running: S&W Complete (Blackscale Lagoon)

  2. #72
    No I'm using base CORE RPG function on this. This method is way easier, you don't have to fiddle with the character sheet.

  3. #73

    Hope you are having an awesome summer. Just wanted to know if Syrinscape works in the S&W Ruleset. If so what are the limitations, etc. Thanks!
    Fantasy Grounds II Ultimate License Holder
    Castles & Crusades Ruleset
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    Swords & Wizardry Ruleset

    Currently Running: S&W Complete (Blackscale Lagoon)

  4. #74
    Yes it works. You just have to make your triggers.

  5. #75

    BLUF: The Targeting Issue up thread resurfaced again.

    Situation: 2 PCs run by the same person that are at my house set up on a different computer. The PCs are attacked by 6 goblins and a lizardman. Goblins target and attack the PCs. Some miss and some hit and damage. PCs survive and one PC targets a goblin. Goblin appears as a target on the PCs screen and my screen in the combat tracker. PC Rolls to attack with light crossbow. Does not show “hit” or “miss” in chat back. Just show sum of dice roll and missile bonus.

    Next steps: I have the player roll again several times. Same result. They clear targets and add the target again. Same result. They try a different PC. Same result - only the dice roll and total. It acts as if nothing is targeted. The PCs move in close for melee attack. Same result. I watch all this from GM computer and then try it again at the Player’s computer. Same result - targeting is not working. I then return to my computer access the PC sheet. Clear targets and add a target. It works for me. It shows in the chat window the roll, the sum and that it was “miss” on the goblin.

    Player tries again. Targets show in the combat tracker but will not target when rolling dice for attack rolls from the PCs sheet. I have the player repeatedly clear targets and try both ranged and melee but results are the same. Only the dice roll, plus bonus and the sum show up. No “miss” no “hit” no NPC is mentioned (I.e. Goblin)

    Player logs off, restarts the program and logs on again. Once again targets a goblin, then rolls and this time it works showing dice roll, bonus, sum total and that it was a “miss” on the “Goblin.”

    Not sure what is going on but this is like the third time this error has occurred when I’m running a game. Thankfully this was a session 0 and I was teaching the player how to use FGU. Nevertheless, any insight into what might be going on here?
    Last edited by TheMetal1; August 5th, 2024 at 04:25.
    Fantasy Grounds II Ultimate License Holder
    Castles & Crusades Ruleset
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    Currently Running: S&W Complete (Blackscale Lagoon)

  6. #76

  7. #77
    Show me a screenshot like this when it fails.

  8. #78

    The Player was on the Character Sheet's Main Tab Weapon and rolling using the "ATK." Next time it happens I will get a screen shot. Not much to go, sorry about that.

    A couple of other things for you.

    1. I noticed that when I put a PC in the combat tracker, regardless of Level, they have AC and Save added, but their Hit Die is "0"

    2. I also noticed that in GM Combat tracker, none of the Player's Weapons do not appear.

    I am assuming this is not supposed to be happening in either case, but wanted to check first. Thanks!
    Fantasy Grounds II Ultimate License Holder
    Castles & Crusades Ruleset
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    Swords & Wizardry Ruleset

    Currently Running: S&W Complete (Blackscale Lagoon)

  9. #79
    Yeah the players don't have a HD really

  10. #80

    What about the PC's weapons not appearing in the GM Tracker? Is that supposed to happen?
    Fantasy Grounds II Ultimate License Holder
    Castles & Crusades Ruleset
    Savage Worlds Deluxe Ruleset
    Mutants & Masterminds 3e Ruleset
    Dungeons & Dragons 5e Ruleset
    Pathfinder 1e Ruleset
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    Currently Running: S&W Complete (Blackscale Lagoon)

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