Thread: LF1-2P DnD 5E

  1. #1

    LF1-2P DnD 5E

    Campaign: Descent into Avernus (first time dming)
    When: Every Other Sunday 10am to 130/2pm PST. Next Game Session will be 7/28
    House Rules: None, really. Play what you want as long as I have the mod available

    Expectations: We're a chill, mature group in our mid 30s to 40s (and have zero grasp of modern social norms as is expected from folks our age) and don't take things too seriously. If you're a more intense/serious player that tends to focus on making sure the rules/game mechanics are strictly adhered to, this might be a stressful group to join. We are newbie friendly, so if you have no idea how to play but are interested, don't worry about it and give it a try. We don't bite (at first). RP and combat ratio tends to be 50:50 with the current group.

  2. #2
    Hello! I might be interested in joining. I've been looking for a group as a player. I have a couple quick questions for you.

    1. Is the campaign already running? If you're looking for someone to join mid-campaign, what level are you looking at?
    2. What are the table norms? Is it pretty straight-laced, or is very raunchy... somewhere in the middle? Is profanity prohibited? Encouraged? Indifferent?
    3. What does the current group look like, player and character-wise?
    4. Is this looking to be a long term thing, or just a quick runout to see how far we get?

    Just trying to get a sense of if I'd be a good fit for your group. Let me know if you have any questions in return. Thanks!

  3. #3
    1. It's just a couple game sessions in, Characters are at lvl 3.
    2. Nothing raunchy. PG-13 or so. Indifferent to naughty words, I haven't paid attention, but I imagine profanity-laced sentences would be annoying. I haven't noticed any particular potty mouthing going on, though.
    3. 1 Wizard who hasn't grasped the difference between chaotic evil and lawful good archetypes and would probably try to burn down all of baldur's gate if given an excuse (joking...I think), and one paladin who's quite a bit more sensible about things (though he's considering switching classes).
    4. I'm planning to do the whole campaign. I did run water deep with these two players about a year ago and we were able to finish that one.

    I'm not opposed to running a one shot if people want to test out the group to see if we're a good fit for them.

  4. #4
    I would be interested. I DM a group every other Sunday also, but it is an evening campaign. Been looking to play as a player for some time. Let me know if i can join.

  5. #5
    Sounds interesting. I'd love to give it a shot. Lemme know what I need to do.

  6. #6
    Sounds great. I will DM both of you a discord link to join this weekend, we can set up a time next Sat (the 27th) to do char-gen if your free.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    do you still have an open spot?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Colorado Springs, CO
    If your still looking for an additional player, I would be very much interested. I'm used to playing a more of a combat focused game, but I have always wanted to get more in touch with the RP side of things. Let me know!

  10. #10
    Yes, I will be doing a one-shot on Sunday 8-11. If you are available, send me a DM and I'll get you a discord link to join for the game.

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