Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Parsed NPC Actions are invisible in CT

    Hello everyone,

    I've been struggling with a weird glitch past few days in FGU. Tried pretty much everything (removing extensions one by one to see if I can find a culprit, to no avail, and removing all themes to check if it's a display issue).

    Basically all of my NPCs (literally all SRD, module, book and custom NPCs) have their CT parsed action text...missing (see image).


    Idk if there's a command to reparse everything, or if it even is a parsing issue and not a display/font one.

    Idk if I broke some font file, or what I can do to fix this situation. I can workaround it by using NPC sheets, but with an upcoming session that promises to have large-scale, high-numbers combat coming up on Wednesday, I dread having open tens of npc sheets to roll their actions...

    Anyone know where this could be coming from ?

    PS: I'm not getting ANY error messages.

    UPDATE: the one possible culprit i spot on the console is this, but nothing should have changed in regards to fonts (never touched the official one, just had it on by default) : "[WARNING] [EXTENSION: 5E_Language_Fonts_Wizards][Prioritized Source: File; Other Sources: Vault]

    UPDATE: Mods, you can close the topic, found the culprit, it seems I've missed one extension in the process of disabling them one by one (NPC flavors, which I had manually edited), I'll try to fix it and if not working I'll ask its developer !
    Last edited by PlexusDM; July 23rd, 2024 at 02:41.

  2. #2
    As a note, if you are getting the Extension warning listed above, it means you have two copies of the extension, one is in the Extensions directory (Source:File), the other is in the Vault. This may be because the extension author updated the forge entry, or you added the forge entry after manually downloading the extension. You should check what versions each one is (by checking the file, and checking the forge) and remove the out of date one.

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