Looking for new (or newish) players to start an online D&D Campaign

Every Friday evening between about 7pm - 10pm Australian Eastern Standard Time.

In the spirit of a globalised world players can be located anywhere, however, if you are based in Victoria, Australia, we may one day get an opportunity to play an in-person session.

The vibe will easy going and humorous - except when **** gets serious. The rules and fantasy lore may sometimes be bent in service of a immersive experience. I highly encourage players who are creative with their backstories and contribute strongly to world and the narrative.

As a DM I like to (try) and do voices the NPCs, but sometimes I can’t be bothered and there’s no expectation for this on the players. If you want to play your character in the third person, that’s fine. We aren’t all actors. Having said that, I think it’s important to role play your character authentically. If your dude is the type to charge in and think later, or backstab their friends, bring it on! Characters will be able to die and it would be surprising if none did.

I’m looking for 4 or 5 friendly, considerate and chilled players from around 30+. I would prefer a diverse mixture and really encourage adults of all ages, and people of all genders, races and cultures to get in touch.

While I personally have few if any no go areas, I’m very happy to exclude subject matter that any of the group find distressing or triggering.

The game will be played online with a video and chat features. It will hopefully commence in around September 2024, and if we establish a pretty cool, tight group it can run for as long as we want.

Please get in touch if this sounds like your bag.