Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    D&D 5E: 2.5D Token - Upside Down (Underground)

    I've made some custom tokens for some followers (a familiar and a halfling squire). I've created an XML file using the FG Image Metadata Builder. The XML file is in the same folder as the token image.

    I've tried re-creating and/or deleting the XML file and updating the assets folder. I've removed and re-added the characters to the Combat Tracker and then re-added them to the map, but the oddity persists.

    Both of these characters appear upside down on the map (under the ground) in the Token View camera mode and the 2.5D camera modes. Their flat token is behaving normally.

    Any ideas why a token would act thusly?

    Similarly, a size Huge creature's token is MASSIVE (way taller than one would expect). Even though the file is the same 1000px on the longest side (height in his case).

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Can you attach the file here and show some screenshots?

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  3. #3
    When I get home I'll zip some up and send them direct.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by estrolof View Post
    I've made some custom tokens for some followers (a familiar and a halfling squire). I've created an XML file using the FG Image Metadata Builder. The XML file is in the same folder as the token image.

    I've tried re-creating and/or deleting the XML file and updating the assets folder. I've removed and re-added the characters to the Combat Tracker and then re-added them to the map, but the oddity persists.

    Both of these characters appear upside down on the map (under the ground) in the Token View camera mode and the 2.5D camera modes. Their flat token is behaving normally.

    Any ideas why a token would act thusly?

    Similarly, a size Huge creature's token is MASSIVE (way taller than one would expect). Even though the file is the same 1000px on the longest side (height in his case).
    It sounds like the XML file definitions might be off or misinterpreted? I was a bit confused initially when using the FG XML metadata builder tool.

    Did you by chance get to watch Doug's video regarding the 2.5D XML tool? The expected grid size is often only one, with exception to Large (2) or Huge (3) creatures in the input settings.

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  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Thought just occurred to me, maybe you are picking the coordinates for the height/width setting in the wron order ( not top-left to bottom-right and therefore the xml is getting a negative height?

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  6. #6
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    estrolof sent me the images and xml. Here's my investigation.

    So you didn't send the NPCs, but what I did was:
    Add your images and xml to the campaign tokens folder, make a copy of the MM Erinyes and made it's size Huge and added your images to the NPC and then added to the map. This is what I see;
    Screenshot 2024-07-21 091240.png

    Size looks right to me (I also tried size Large and the standup sized accordingly), but it looks like the image is cut-off vertically, plus it's really skinny. Both make me think the xml is off.

    And I re-did the xml and got this:
    Screenshot 2024-07-21 092541.png
    Looks pretty good to me. No vertical clipping, size seems right, etc.

    Try the new attached xml and see how it works for you. You can just replace the xml in your campaign/tokens folder and /reload the campaign. See if that fixes it.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  7. #7
    Will do so. Thanks!!

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