5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #351
    Quote Originally Posted by DustyLensCap42 View Post
    I'd like to make a feature request, replace not just the number but the entire NPC name OR also apply the description to the Unidentified name. The reason is I'd love the option to hide creature type in Fantasy Grounds for some of my games, and it's a bit of work to set it up manually. Maybe someone knows of another extension that could help. In some games, I much rather like to describe the monsters they come upon. Rather than say it's an Orc, then my players just act accordingly. Because in certain instances it's fun to have some mystery, but I also really love your fun NPC descriptions.
    Hey DustyLensCap42,

    As far as I remember the extension still applies flavors when the NPC is unidentified.
    And in the options you can change how the Unidentified name is displayed. I.e you can set it to display "Unknown [type]", or just "Unknown".

    Does that not cover what you're looking for?


  2. #352
    Yes! While I was hoping just to replace it with only the random description, that'll probably work better. Communicating that it has not been identified by anyone yet. Sorry, I should've just played around with the options.

    Thanks TideTurner!

  3. #353
    Just a QOL suggestion. Is there a way to remove a certain word from the possible descriptors? Namely "Snicker". There was an uncomfortable moment a couple weeks ago when the extension gave a fey the "useless snicker" descriptor and it wasn't noticed till after I said it out loud exactly what it was I had inadvertently said.

    Appreciate it.

  4. #354
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkrite View Post
    Just a QOL suggestion. Is there a way to remove a certain word from the possible descriptors? Namely "Snicker". There was an uncomfortable moment a couple weeks ago when the extension gave a fey the "useless snicker" descriptor and it wasn't noticed till after I said it out loud exactly what it was I had inadvertently said.

    Appreciate it.
    You can edit the ext file to remove it.

    Snicker is a normal word though not sure why you having issues with it.

  5. #355
    I don't believe the word they are actually asking to have removed is "snicker", but one that sounds a bit like it. Unfortunately, the word in question is very close to a word you would not want to say on a stream, as it can easily be misconstrued as saying a negative connotation. I also have to quickly look over my list of NPC's when I add them to make sure that I'm not going to get surprised (or banned on Twitch) because someone says something inappropriate in this regard during a session.

  6. #356
    npc_flavors_data.lua:245 item # 8
    I'd suggest changing it to snicker, actually.

  7. #357
    I had removed it out of mine, I just have to be aware of when the extension gets updated as to not get surprised. Would make it simpler just to remove it, but my issues are mine, so will just continue to modify things as I need too.

  8. #358
    Hey, I got a big battle incoming (next week probably) involving many many devils (5E), and i noticed the extension wasn't working for those. Before coming in here, I went and checked the lua on github in case I was messing up, but was surprised to see that fiends.devil did actually not have any dataset assigned. Why the hate for poor little devils ? Is there a way (or to rephrase, am I allowed to do it myself in case it's too much of a hassle ?) they could be included ? I think the build and behavior sets would work, wouldn't they ?

    Thank you so much, the extension is a godsent, fyi !

    EDIT: I kinda went through the topic and it seems you're fine with us editing it for personal changes. I clearly can't modify the Forge version (encrypted, I believe), but (total noob here) could I just download the master folder from github, change what's needed in the lua files and repack (just zip and change to .ext ??) ?
    Last edited by PlexusDM; July 19th, 2024 at 18:10. Reason: correction to addition

  9. #359
    Hey PlexusDM,

    Yes, feel free to edit all you want.

    I'm on vacation right now, so this is from memory, but I do not believe the forge version is encrypted.

    You should find the extension in the fg unity gamedata/extensions folder.
    From there you can just unzip the contents of npc-flavors.ext to gamedata/extensions/npc-flavors/ and edit whatever you need.

    FG will then prioritize that folder over the extension file itself.

    I think.


  10. #360
    Sooooo, I did edit it manually (from the github version), which did exactly what I wanted it to (as in, remove a multitude of qualifiers and add another bunch, in addition to adding some sets to be used by devil fiends) but in the process I broke something, clearly, since all NPC parsed actions text stopped showing up (weird)... I decided to disable my modified version for now, as I can't find where I messed up. It also caused somehow all NPCs to get average HP rather than my set up for roll hp.

    Example of missing text for your viewing :
    Last edited by PlexusDM; July 23rd, 2024 at 02:47.

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