1. #1

    Spell Cost missing Pathfinder 2E

    I bought a Pathfinder bundle. When I look over the Spells in Pathfinder Second Edition Core rules many of the spells that require material components do not have a component cost listed. I am brand new to Pathfinder but have played D&D 3.5 and 5e. Is this expected or an oversight?

  2. #2
    i am going to assume that the cost is avoided by a focus or component pouch for now for the ones that do not have a specified material cost.

  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Most components do not have a cost (if they do, it is specified). A Spell Component Pouch is considered to have the various necessary ingredients for spell casting.

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  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Codewolf444 View Post
    I bought a Pathfinder bundle. When I look over the Spells in Pathfinder Second Edition Core rules many of the spells that require material components do not have a component cost listed. I am brand new to Pathfinder but have played D&D 3.5 and 5e. Is this expected or an oversight?
    Welcome to the FG forums!

    Can you clarify the issue here - are you saying that the Paizo material list a spell component, but the same material in Fantasy Grounds is missing that data? Or is this a general comment about Pathfinder 2 being different from D&D 3.5E and 5e?

    If it's Fantasy Grounds that's missing the data, please provide some examples so we can fix them.
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