Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by sgtwhy View Post
    Falco1029 -- I gave it some thought and was able to put together a better solution.

    You will still want to navigate through each turn page (so the automation works properly)
    But now the tagged actions will be at the top of the list(s).


    If you open any of the Nation Skills (via the popup) ... there is now a favorite button in top left.
    when selected, it will visually show a star ... and be listed at the top of any list(s).

    (see screenshot)
    Attachment 60801
    That should work perfectly, thanks!

  2. #92

    5.15 update

    minor patch update:

    Only new feature is the "favorite" tagging added for all nation actions.
    (If flagged, they will be at top of any sorted lists)

    Otherwise, just a few minor tweaks for compatibility with the Nation Armies extension.

  3. #93
    I have a new update kingdom map I am trying to drop into the Region tab but everytime I do it simply makes a pin on the current map - how do I replace the current map with a new one?


  4. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Xargun View Post
    I have a new update kingdom map I am trying to drop into the Region tab but every time I do it simply makes a pin on the current map - how do I replace the current map with a new one?

    Sadly, I have found NO method to "clear" the map data ... short of manually deleting it, by hand.

    Which involves editing the campaign db.xml file directly, so I would not suggest it ...
    But if determined, its stored in the following db block ... and (in theory) removing the data between <layers> wipes it clean.

      <overland_map type="image>
    Originally, I had hoped there was a way to open the region map as a full "map asset" with all the bells and whistles ... but was never able to get it working.

    So, I have resorted to using that section to hold a link to my groups actual map that we adjust over time as a result of game play.

    However, it does work great for dropping "links" to maps - as you noted

  5. #95

    minor update to allow deletion of REGION map data (2024-07-16)

    actually, after posting that "it cant be done" ... I gave it a fresh look.

    If I delete it from the database during load times, it actually works!

    So I added a new debug option - Reset REGION map.

    If "on" during the loading process, it clears the database entry.
    this resets the region map back to its default / empty state.

    I know its not as awesome as making the full set of image tools available -
    but at least you can now reset it without hacking your files directly!

    Hope that helps

  6. #96

    july sale :D

    SUMMER time sale!
    50% discount this weekend
    (7-19 1am to 7-22 1am; PDT)

  7. #97
    Hi there,
    First off - this is an amazing wee app that has pretty much made nation building possible for us.
    My question is so lame that it shows how good the app is -
    Can you manually change the month and season? Just because we are running it in Faerun and it would be great to make it match the Calendar.

  8. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by woodscanner View Post
    Hi there,
    First off - this is an amazing wee app that has pretty much made nation building possible for us.
    My question is so lame that it shows how good the app is -
    Can you manually change the month and season? Just because we are running it in Faerun and it would be great to make it match the Calendar.
    thanks for the feedback, glad its working great for you/your group.

    The Nation month data is found on the first tab of the turn manager.

    So, select the "upkeep" tab and look for the Nation Month area.
    GM can manually adjust the YEAR or MONTH number fields.

    That will auto-update the relevant golarian month and season names.
    (hopefully thats not your concern, as its hard coded to look it up)

    Let me know if that helps ...
    Last edited by sgtwhy; July 25th, 2024 at 21:03.

  9. #99
    That's very helpful - I can stop trying to fiddle with it and we can just use the Faerun calendar function.
    Thanks again!

  10. #100

    2024.07.25 QOL updates

    Adding a few QOL updates, that have been useful to my group as we approach the "end game" of the Kingmaker story.

    Nation Action “Ambiguous results”
    Fixed the result entries that refer to other results. “As critical success, but” or “as failure but”, etc. so now the results are included rather than forcing you to look them up.

    • Abandon hex
    • Collect taxes
    • Creative Solution
    • Demolish
    • Hire Adventurers
    • Improve Lifestyle
    • Create Irrigation
    • Pledge of Fealty
    • Request Foreign Aid
    • Supernatural Solution
    • Tap Treasury

    Dynamic building bonuses
    The app computes the “nation action” bonuses dynamically, each time the window(s) are opened. This means, the GM can decide to grant special bonuses for things that are not “stock” … such as “Build Roads” or “Go Fishing”.
    The GM simply adds the appropriate entry to any structure from the “structures built” list (under Settlements) and next time the window is opened, it will be included in any calculations. The entries need to exactly match the target nation action for it to work.

    In my example screenshot, I added “+2 Build roads” to an existing Construction Yard … and reloaded the Nations turn / Region tab. It's now showing the +2 item bonus for the action.

    Screenshot 2024-07-25 200208.png

    Too many houses cluttering your settlements?
    Residential housing is tracked “per lot” and each “lot” of residential buildings provides housing for a city block in your settlement.

    It’s now possible to combine the entries for the same residential buildings; Increase the lot size to the new total and remove the duplicate structures from the “structures built” list. (for a given settlement)

    Afterwards, check the settlements tab to make sure the correct number of residential lots are reported.

    In my example screenshot, I combined (8) separate “houses” listings into a single entry with the same results overall to the settlement.

    Screenshot 2024-07-25 194759.png

    Refunding resources on Critical success when building
    During the CIVIC phase, players are refunded “half the resource cost” when they critically succeed on their attempt to “build structure”. This is a pain to do by hand and happens more frequently as the nation levels up and gets higher bonuses.

    To make this easier for the GM; there is a new toggle button on the civic phase building popup window. It only appears when the structure is ready and toggling it enables the refund option. (will see a yellow star to indicate its enabled)

    If enabled, when the structure is “completed”, the resources are automatically added back to the nation's stored resource pool.

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