Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1
    flashingturtle's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Alnwick, Northumberland

    Looking for 2 more - Eye Of The Serpent 5e PAID GAME 17/7/24 18:30 UK time $14

    This game is for beginners but experienced players are welcome to join.

    'Soaring high above the clouds, two tiny, dark shapes appear. Soon, these become recognisable as birds — eagles perhaps, or even larger creatures. Much larger! As they plummet towards you. mighty wings swept back, you realise to your horror that these are rocs: terrible beasts capable of carrying off even elephants and beyond the power of men to harm. Before you even have time to look around for somewhere to hide, the monsters are upon you.

    Helpless in the grip of the rocs, you are swept aloft, higher and higher until the countryside below is laid out like a map. Mile after mile, the rocs' steady wing beats carry you towards whatever fate awaits, but for now you can console yourselves with the magnificent view and your fortune at still being alive.

    After some time, the open country gives way to a dense forest and beyond this a broad grassy plain, but it seems that the rocs' destination lies still further. Dead ahead, a dark snow-capped mountain looms up beyond the plain, flanked on either side by lesser peaks.

    The nest is a massive structure of tangled trees and branches — there is even an old wagon and half a small boat incorporated into it! The central hollow, where you have been dumped, is carpeted with leaves and straw, and contains the sad remains of the rocs' past victims — both animal and human.

    For a few moments, the rocs remain near the nest then, apparently satisfied that their captives are secure, they flap away into the distance.

    Gazing down from the pinnacle of Hardway Mountain, who would not be drawn by the far-off glint of the Serpent's Eye? The descent will be hard, and the mountain knows neither mercy nor compassion.

    Many are the lessons to be learned, but fate has left you little choice - are you equal to the challenge?'

    Eye of the Serpent is an adventure module published in 1984 by TSR for the first edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. It is a first level scenario.

    This game will be played on fantasy grounds using the d&d 5e ruleset. You will sign up with to get the discord link.

    If you're interested follow this Startplaying link and sign up to the game:
    Last edited by flashingturtle; July 16th, 2024 at 11:24.

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