1. #1

    Console error when moving a group of NPCs with multiple waypoints

    I encountered a console error in last night's session related to moving NPC tokens as a group on a map, and I have no idea what's causing it. As usual, when encountering such an error, I created a new 'clean' test campaign with no extensions loaded, and I couldn't replicate the issue. I added each extension back one-by-one to the clean campaign, and I still did not receive any errors. However, in my real campaign with the same extensions loaded, I would receive these errors every time I conducted the following steps:

    1. I added a group of NPCs to the CT and to the map (e.g., twenty orcs).
    2. On the orcs' turn, I used Selection Mode from the image toolbar to select the twenty orcs.
    3. I alt-left mouse button on one orc to create a movement path for the selected group and dragged the group's waypoint for the first leg of movement.
    4. I released alt-left mouse button, and then alt-clicked again on the group's last waypoint to create a new leg (direction) of movement (e.g., moved the group around a corner).
    5. At that point, only the NPC token's way point that I alt-clicked on would move while the remainder of the selected group's movement path remained at their last waypoint while several errors were generated in the console.
    6. I would have to cancel the movement paths and/or deselect the group to move each orc one by one along the desired path to avoid receiving any more errors.

    I'm attaching my console log, if anyone has any other ideas as to why this is happening. (Search for "error" to find the many errors.)
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  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I can replicate this; looking at the logs it's a system error, so I don't think it's an extension. As you say the first way point works fine (or if only one way point is set); but when you try to set a second way point it errors out.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #3
    Thanks for the report.

    FG doesn't support "token grouping" for planned movement; so this is probably why the error is occurring. You have to set up the planned movement for each token; or just drag the group to the new location without planned movement.

    I'll pass the error along to Carl to shore that up long term.


  4. #4
    Thank you both for the validation! Glad to know that it wasn't something that I did.

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