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  1. #11
    Sounds similar to something we've had happen. Usually some combination of re-applying the token to the map from the Combat Tracker, the player closing the map and re-sharing it to them, and the player clicking on their token to load their LOS has fixed it.

  2. #12
    Update on maps loading issue. I am one of the players in Geometer's campaign. We have had some progress on our map availability issues. It seems to be a case of extremely slow download speeds. We logged in to FGU tonight and immediately opened up my console to find shared maps coming through but VERY slowly. I have a network widget that shows upload and download speeds for my computer and found the maps, tokens, pictures etc only downloading at around 125K/s! I started another download in steam and the download speed shot up to about usual speeds (approx 5-10Mb/s). Pause the download to allow FG all the bandwidth but still only 125K/s. It has taken about an hour but all files have finally finished downloading. It cant be my connection as all other internet operations are working fine (gaming, streaming HD movies, browsing etc). We are hopefully getting another player to connect soon to see if their downloading is also very slow. The relevent log should be attached to this message
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by flipperb16a2 View Post
    Update on maps loading issue. I am one of the players in Geometer's campaign. We have had some progress on our map availability issues.
    Postscript to the above;

    It appears from the log that one of the reasons for the long download time may be the fact that almost every Player's map in the campaign also downloaded. I want to emphasise that most of these maps were not pre-shared, and I have no idea why they loaded.
    Alea iacta est

  4. #14
    Try running /flushdb on the GM client after loading the campaign (and make sure the modules affected are loaded). This will unshare any records in the campaign or current modules. Then, you can reshare anything actually needed.

    Also, make sure that the module is marked with the red X in the Modules window, so that players are not trying to load directly (should be default for GM modules).


  5. #15
    Also, the download speed is based on the upload speed of the GM's computer as shared by all connected users.

    Make sure that you don't have any software on your computer, or settings on your router, that may be throttling network speed. (quality of service, packet inspection, etc.)

    Last edited by Moon Wizard; February 17th, 2021 at 22:27.

  6. #16
    I'm having the same issue with Strahd. It is affecting about a third of my players. It started about 3 updates ago.

  7. #17
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aglovale View Post
    I'm having the same issue with Strahd. It is affecting about a third of my players. It started about 3 updates ago.
    Have you tried all the things outlined in this thread? Can you please attach GM and a player log?

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  8. #18
    damned's Avatar
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    Another GM recently reported similar issues. They had a VPN running. They turned that off and everything worked. Can you confirm that you are not running a VPN?

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