Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    [paid][lfp] multiple games

    I have a number of games I run so I decided to make one post rather than multiple.
    I charge $20/seat, character creation and first session are always free.

    I use fantasy grounds unity for a vtt, players only need the demo, if you haven't used it before I can teach you how.

    The schedules for these are flexible as long as there's no one in that game yet it can be switched to something else on request. The times given are EST, if there's no time on it then you can ask for a time.

    The games:

    Luskan 2315.
    Controlled by the High Captains, the Arcane Brotherhood, Corporations, and gangs, Luskan is the perfect place for a shadowrunner to make a living. Explore a world of magic and technology in a sandbox game set in a futuristic DND city.

    Star wars: BAOTOR.
    Set in the old Republic. Players are looking for a Jedi that has gone missing and will end up tangled in a race against a sith organization.
    Fantasy flight games Star wars system.

    The Liberation of Eldoria. Tuesdays at 2 pm (3 more seats).
    A Mecha game where the players freedom fighters trying to gain control of their country.
    Mechasys (genesys system)

    JJK: curse busters. Tuesday 5 pm (5 more seats), Wednesdays 2 pm (4 more seats), Thursdays 9 pm.
    You'll play a jujutsu sorcerer in a monster of the week style game.
    Fate core.

    Naruto: fallout
    Tuesdays 9 pm (1 more seat)
    After tailed beasts were used like nukes to destroy the ninja villages the world is starting to be rebuilt. Players will be trying to survive and grow the small community they've been brought into.
    Naruto 5e, like DND 5e but rebuilt around the Naruto universe.

    Naruto: the harvesting shadow
    A terrorist organization is destroying villages. Players are part of a genin team just trying to live as ninja without starting the 6th ninja world.
    Naruto 5e

    Echoes of Elysium
    Players are stuck in an MMORPG.
    DND 4th edition.

    If you want more information in any of the games contact me here, on discord, or at <>
    Last edited by albirich; July 17th, 2024 at 15:04. Reason: Link wasn't working

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