Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
Page 10 of 10 First ... 8910
  1. #91
    [UPDATED] icon graphics to trigger the effect drop down for NPC and PC spells
    [ADDED] tooltips to every control on the front of the character sheet
    [UPDATED] the skill/ability record to current CORE RPG standard

  2. #92
    [FIXED] a bug when making custom class records

  3. #93

    - Graphics revamp based upon the OSE boxed set. Courtesy of TheSimpleDM.
    - various small changes to accommodate new graphics.

  4. #94
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Crossville, TN [UTC-6/CST]
    Blog Entries
    Man, that looks good! Unfortunately, I had to stop gaming for a while (health issues) but when I start things back up, I'm really looking forward to using this ruleset again.
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

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