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  1. #11

  2. #12
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lousilver View Post
    We just tried with one of the users. They deleted their cache. While they were connected, I tried /flushdb (not really sure what happened, got some brief message about a reset). The player even reinstalled FG. Nothing worked. We haven't looked into whitelisting, etc. I'm fairly certain that isn't the issue, because none of those settings have changed before/after this started happening.

    The event happened quite recently for both players at the same time. But none of the other players are affected.
    /flushdb is something that you should only do when there are no players connected. What it does is to unshare everything that has been shared. If you clear the player cache and use /flushdb that will set the player back to square one, This is useful when you have too much shared and have a possible corruption with the player cache which might cause them to not get everything downloaded properly. Since it sounds like you tried to /flushdb whilst the player was connected this will very likely have a poor result; so you should make sure that the player deletes their cache once again before they rejoin and you should do the /flushdb whilst none of your players are connected.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #13
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    So I'm not an expert on these logs at all. But there are some things I see that might point the experts to areas to look at:

    GM logs, Network and player.log
    Huge amount of network negotiation going on. If only 1 player is connecting this would be of concern to me. If 4+ players, then this is probably acceptable. But a quick look only showed 1 player.

    player network.log
    logs of network negotiation and failed attempts and refreshes. Might be indicative of network throttling or instability?

    "Unloading 650 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 14823."
    "Unloading 16 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 15030."
    Might be too many shared or loaded items on the player side? Might the player be running out of memory?

    Better Combat Effects extensions with warnings

    A dozen player modules loaded. Does the player really need classes, item etc from all those or did they just load them because they were available? Again might indicate too much in memory for the player's computer.

    "GPU readback error detected."
    I don't know if that is because of an ungraceful exit or is indicative of the graphic error. It's the last line in the player.log

    TLDR Summary
    • Have the player unload modules they do not need.
      • They definitely do not need: Basic rules or the SRD Data (they have the PHB loaded)
      • Do they really need all these player guides loaded? DMG, SCAG, Xanathars, Volos, and ToFs? They might need 1 or 2, but all of them?

    • Re-verify the player network is stable and that they do not have Parental Control, Throttling or Burst Protection settings enabled on their security software or routers etc.
    • Have the player monitor their FG process size using something like Task Manager. Compare that to the amount of RAM they have on their computer.

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #14
    Hi. We had already deleted the cache, and I don't know what its size originally was. but the problem persisted, and went to delete the cache again to address the /flushdb issue. It was 769kb. I ran /flushdb while no players were connected. Then the player connected, loaded only 2 modules. Still had the problem with the image.

    Both players have been ok for years, and then had problems at effectively the same time..... but no other players were affected.

  5. #15
    Make sure to run through the Network Troubleshooting article on the wiki for the GM machine/router/ISP settings. If several players started having issues at the same time, I would generally start looking at the GM side of things first. It could still be a player-side issue, but multiple players failing usually indicates GM-side issue.


  6. #16
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think disabling VPN on my computer may have fixed it. Not sure why that's only affecting some players, or why it would affect them at all. still need to confirm the other play can now also see the maps again. I was so certain that couldn't be the problem because only some players were affected.

  7. #17

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