FG License: GM has Ultimate so players need only demo
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Eastern USA
Day of week and time: Wednesday 7:00 PM Eastern (12:00 PM UTC )
If new game, planned start date: Session 0 August 7
Planned Duration & Frequency: 2.5 Hour session, 3-4 sessions per month
Term: Summer/Fall

Text or Voice: Voice.
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 40 Combat/40 Role Play/10 Survival-Travel/10 Lore
Number of Players in game & needed: 5 desired
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level; if you've a proficiency, you have the tools.
Character restrictions: Minimal, but please check with me if it's bizarre
Metagaming: Go ahead, but don't be surprised if it isn't exactly what you may read or hear.
Background: Into the desert you go, with a "map" to a pyramid. Don't forget torches or darkvision!
Goal: Finding where the PCs want to go as well as achieve and then set the table for their advancement and challenges to accomplish their ends.