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  1. #1031
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    you can write something like ADVSKILL: dexterity and then you have advantage on all skills with dexterity as ability
    Thanks Kel! We really appreciate all the time you put into your extensions! Rob

  2. #1032
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Thanks Kel! We really appreciate all the time you put into your extensions! Rob
    you're very welcome (Soxmax did these effects by the way though )

  3. #1033
    Is anyone else having trouble with adding Ability modifiers to attacks and ac?

    I'm starting to use more and more automation and tried the following:
    Smite Evil; IFT: CUSTOM (Evil to Smite); ATK: [CHA]; DMG: [LVL]; AC: [CHA] deflection; DMGTYPE: drbypass;

    The 'Evil to Smite' tag is on the target, but neither the CHA nor LVL mods are getting added in. The drbypass works great.

    I also split it out to just: "ATK: [CHA];" by itself, and it still doesn't work.

    I turned off all extensions other than Kel's 'Strain & Injury' with no change.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Rob

  4. #1034
    Disregard... I found the answer looking at a completely different post (Ongoing Temp Hit Points)
    "For tags like [CHA] it is important that you apply the effect from an actions tab of a PC (using those effects button as for spells etc.); then [CHA] will be replaced by a number in the CT."

    Somehow I missed the part about it only working from the actions tab.

  5. #1035
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Disregard... I found the answer looking at a completely different post (Ongoing Temp Hit Points)
    "For tags like [CHA] it is important that you apply the effect from an actions tab of a PC (using those effects button as for spells etc.); then [CHA] will be replaced by a number in the CT."

    Somehow I missed the part about it only working from the actions tab.
    Hehe, indeed, that is how these work, though one as you would have liked would be nice, too!

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