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  1. #1

    Shopping Stores Extension makes Item detail disappear

    Hi all - does anyone else use this extension by Yako Somedaky? I tried it last night with my players (FGU) who thought that being able to do their own shopping would be a great idea - but I noticed that all items show only the title when the extension is enabled. Is there a known solve for this?

    I tried it in a campaign as the only extension loaded and had the same result.



  2. #2
    You'd have to bring up with the community developer (Yako) that built the extension, as the RMC developer and I wouldn't have any insight into that extension or how it's supposed to work.


  3. #3
    I've tried reaching out to Yako, but no response.
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    Extension Support Discord: https://discord.gg/gKgC7nGpZK

    Extensions = risk to your gaming experience. If you haven't tested out the extensions in your campaign before your gaming session, turn them off. If you don't backup your campaigns regularly, you're doing it wrong.

  4. #4
    Thanks deer_buster! I did too. No worries though...just looked like a neat feature; especially paired with the Content Generator mod which creates the store owners along with personality traits and such.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy
    I have the same issue.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    You'd have to bring up with the community developer (Yako) that built the extension, as the RMC developer and I wouldn't have any insight into that extension or how it's supposed to work.

    TBH, store functionality should be base-kit of Core...
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    Extension Support Discord: https://discord.gg/gKgC7nGpZK

    Extensions = risk to your gaming experience. If you haven't tested out the extensions in your campaign before your gaming session, turn them off. If you don't backup your campaigns regularly, you're doing it wrong.

  7. #7
    I'm sorry, but at the moment I am absent, taking care of health problems and where I am I will not have access to a computer and / or internet.

  8. #8
    I fixed the Core RPG - Package extensions; RMC - Shopping Malls and RMC - XP Tab.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy
    Quote Originally Posted by YAKO SOMEDAKY View Post
    I fixed the Core RPG - Package extensions; RMC - Shopping Malls and RMC - XP Tab.
    Great news your're back and great news you fixed that. I'm going to test it soon.
    BTW, I think your offer for a video tutorial about RMC - XP tab is still a good idea, IMHO.

  10. #10
    OK, I will try

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