Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    [ERROR] Graphic: Unable to load file (modules/CoS/Map - Death House.jpg) (*)

    Somewhat panicking here - I have massively altered the Death house map for my campaign, something I did over 2 weeks. Saturday is game night, and my party is halfway through this map and excided to continue.

    I have copied the campaign and did some testing: If I revert all changes, I can pull up the COS-Death House player map just fine... but I, of course, lose all my changes. Is there a way I can fix this?

    I have: rechecked for updates. Unloaded and re-loaded the modules. Reverted changes (Undesirable since I lose all my changes, but will bring back the map).

    -- Log --
    [9/28/2022 6:56:46 AM] Launcher scene exiting.
    [9/28/2022 6:56:46 AM] Tabletop scene starting.
    [9/28/2022 6:56:46 AM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
    [Server Type - CLOUD - PRIVATE]
    [9/28/2022 6:56:46 AM] Match successfully created on lobby.
    [9/28/2022 6:56:55 AM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 8.9099791 - 5E
    [9/28/2022 6:56:55 AM] MEASURE: EXTENSIONS LOAD - 0.2064997 - 11
    [9/28/2022 6:56:58 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LIST BUILD - 2.9983872 - 68
    [9/28/2022 6:56:58 AM] MEASURE: REFRESH IMAGE ASSETS - 0.0817811
    [9/28/2022 6:56:58 AM] MEASURE: REFRESH PORTRAIT ASSETS - 0.0049864
    [9/28/2022 6:56:58 AM] MEASURE: REFRESH TOKEN ASSETS - 0.0887669
    [9/28/2022 6:56:58 AM] MEASURE: ASSET LIST BUILD - 0.1755344
    [9/28/2022 6:57:00 AM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 13.7909625
    [9/28/2022 6:57:01 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0209626 - Calendars
    [9/28/2022 6:57:03 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.3444537 - D&D Curse of Strahd
    [9/28/2022 6:57:03 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0189514 - D&D Curse of Strahd - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:08 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 5.0833272 - D&D Dungeon Master's Guide
    [9/28/2022 6:57:08 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.5696706 - D&D Dungeon Masters Guide - Maps
    [9/28/2022 6:57:08 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0498663 - D&D Dungeon Master's Guide - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:08 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.040889 - D&D Elemental Evil - Players Companion
    [9/28/2022 6:57:09 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.9973802 - D&D Fizban's Treasury of Dragons - Maps
    [9/28/2022 6:57:10 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.1170788 - D&D Fizban's Treasury of Dragons - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:15 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 5.1277158 - D&D Monster Manual
    [9/28/2022 6:57:16 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.76184 - D&D Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
    [9/28/2022 6:57:17 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.1052525 - D&D Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:19 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 2.3860467 - D&D Player's Handbook
    [9/28/2022 6:57:20 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.6428958 - D&D Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide - Maps
    [9/28/2022 6:57:21 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.6749769 - D&D Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
    [9/28/2022 6:57:22 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.3537437 - D&D Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:24 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 2.7009653 - D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters
    [9/28/2022 6:57:27 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 2.9589121 - D&D Xanathar's Guide to Everything
    [9/28/2022 6:57:29 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 1.5660383 - D&D Xanathar's Guide to Everything - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:29 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0019954 - Death Indicator Tokens
    [9/28/2022 6:57:29 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0039871 - Default Fumble and Critical Hit Tables
    [9/28/2022 6:57:29 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.1672373 - FG Battle Maps
    [9/28/2022 6:57:32 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 2.8829081 - D&D Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
    [9/28/2022 6:57:32 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.0019944 - Letter Tokens
    [9/28/2022 6:57:33 AM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.6542528 - D&D Volo's Guide to Monsters - Players
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] RULESET: Dungeons and Dragons (5E) ruleset (2022-09-27) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (2022-09-27) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: 5E Player Effect Removal v2.0 for FGII V3.2.3 5E ruleset. \rCopyright 2016 Smiteworks USA, LLC.
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: D&D Official Language Fonts (FR)\rfor Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2015 Smiteworks USA, LLC.\rD&D Copyright 2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: Version 5.0
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: (LINK)\rExtraplanar Containers v1.12-hotfix.4:\rThis extension provides support for extraplanar containers by ignoring the weight of carried (but not equipped) items in supported contaners.
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: Dungeon Master: Cartoon
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: Theogeek's Improved Critical v8.3 for 5E/PFRPG2 ruleset. Icon design by Glassstaff ([email protected])
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: Advanced Effects - 5E v5.92\rby Celestian, 2017-2022
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: Better Combat Effects v2.59\rby Ryan Hagelstrom\rContribution MeAndUnique 2021-2022
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: Friend Zone v1.2.1 by MeAndUnique.
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: 5e Undo Last Heal/Damage Extension v 1.1 by Stv
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] EXTENSION: (LINK)\rAura Effects v1.15\rCreated by Kent McCullough, SoxMax, bmos, GKEnialb and with icon suggested by JustinFreitas.
    [9/28/2022 6:57:34 AM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 34.3249034
    [9/28/2022 6:57:57 AM] [ERROR] Graphic: Unable to load file (modules/CoS/Map - Death House.jpg) (*)

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    May 2015
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    I don't think so. The images in CoS were done using an obsolete method and the recent update moved all of them to the current/preferred method. Which means they are no longer in the location they used to be. See the Release Notes:

    What you might be able to do is to manually edit your campaign.xml (or perhaps the module specific file) file and change the references. I'm not sure exactly what changed, but you could do this:
    1) create a new campaign, load CoS, edit one image like you did previously. Exit FG
    2) compare the campaign.xml and the module specific files in the campaign folder to see how the image paths have changed from the old campaign to the new campaign.
    3) copy the old campaign so you have a backup, alter the xml file(s) as needed to use the new image paths. test.

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    If you post the "DD Curse of Strahd.xml" file from your moduledb subfolder of your campaign folder, I can make the adjustment for you.

    Otherwise, you can edit the module change file yourself to update it. If you do this, make sure to make a copy before you edit.
    (To update, change any reference of "Map - Death House.jpg@DD Curse of Strahd" to "images/Map - Death House.jpg@DD Curse of Strahd".)


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    If you post the "DD Curse of Strahd.xml" file from your moduledb subfolder of your campaign folder, I can make the adjustment for you.

    Otherwise, you can edit the module change file yourself to update it. If you do this, make sure to make a copy before you edit.
    (To update, change any reference of "Map - Death House.jpg@DD Curse of Strahd" to "images/Map - Death House.jpg@DD Curse of Strahd".)

    Perfect! I cracked open the xml and did a Find/Replace, and: Issue Solved! Thank you so much!

  5. #5
    For Curse of Strahd I did the following to fix the paths. First I made a backup of "%appdata%\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\campaigns\Strahd\moduledb\DD Curse of Strahd.xml".

    I opened "%appdata%\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\campaigns\Strahd\moduledb\DD Curse of Strahd.xml" with Notepad++

    Then I search and replaced

    "<bitmap>Map -" with "<bitmap>images/Map -"


    "tokens/campaign/" to "tokens/"

    Those fixed all the maps and missing tokens from NPCs that I also noticed in my combat tracker.

    Basically, ever single map I had ever shared had a bad path. Reverting didn't seem like a very good solution to me. It would have broken all of the links I had made in the game. This was a pretty inconvenient way to break/update things. Searching and replacing text is a pretty easy thing to do for computers. Perhaps a utility or instructions on updating would have been useful?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Chadarius View Post
    For Curse of Strahd I did the following to fix the paths. First I made a backup of "%appdata%\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\campaigns\Strahd\moduledb\DD Curse of Strahd.xml".

    I opened "%appdata%\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\campaigns\Strahd\moduledb\DD Curse of Strahd.xml" with Notepad++

    Then I search and replaced

    "<bitmap>Map -" with "<bitmap>images/Map -"


    "tokens/campaign/" to "tokens/"

    Those fixed all the maps and missing tokens from NPCs that I also noticed in my combat tracker.

    Basically, ever single map I had ever shared had a bad path. Reverting didn't seem like a very good solution to me. It would have broken all of the links I had made in the game. This was a pretty inconvenient way to break/update things. Searching and replacing text is a pretty easy thing to do for computers. Perhaps a utility or instructions on updating would have been useful?
    I replaced the <bitmap>Map - references with <bitmap>images/Map -

    I am unclear about the token ones. I only have three in a campaign that has been ongoing since 1/2022.

    Should these be changed to remove "campaign"?
    Search "tokens/campaign" (3 hits in 1 file of 1 searched)
    D:\Games_C\Fantasy Grounds Unity Data\campaigns\Webs Curse of Strahd\moduledb\DD Curse of Strahd.xml (3 hits)
    Line 16814: <token type="token">tokens/campaign/B.png@DD Curse of Strahd</token>
    Line 16821: <token type="token">tokens/campaign/W.png@DD Curse of Strahd</token>
    Line 16826: <polymorphism_linked_token type="token">tokens/campaign/W.png@DD Curse of Strahd</polymorphism_linked_token>

  7. #7
    I still get two console errors
    Search "error" (2 hits in 1 file of 1 searched)
    D:\Games_C\Fantasy Grounds Unity Data\console.log (2 hits)
    Line 18: [9/30/2022 4:58:17 PM] [ERROR] Graphic: Unable to load file (modules/CoS/Map - Yester Hill.jpg) (*)
    Line 19: [9/30/2022 4:58:17 PM] [ERROR] Graphic: Unable to load file (modules/CoS/Kasimir, Patrina, and Izek.jpg) (*)

  8. #8
    What are the values of those in the moduledb file?

    For tokens, "tokens/campaign/B.png" -> "tokens/B.png".

    If you post the moduledb file, I can do a quick look and post result.


  9. #9
    I am having a game in 10min and you just saved my bacon <3. Thanks!

  10. #10
    so i'm running into the same problem with v4.5.8 using my Tomb of Annihilation campaign. all my custom drawing is still there, but the link to my maps is broken. i've tried the above with no success. can anyone please help me? i can revert the image Capture.PNG, but then i lose all my custom drawing. i also have a huge map of Omu that i can't bare to recreate. Capture_2.PNG. this latest update is killing me. everything was working fine not that long ago.
    Last edited by Eroc999; June 30th, 2024 at 10:52.

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