1. #1

    Kobold Press Midgard bundle Steam vs FG site

    The FG Site has many more things in Kobold Press Midgard bundle than the steam one does. I just started buying FG on steam years ago and I have a complete for what steam has but not what is on FG site. Is there a plan to update steam bundle for kobold press/Midgard?
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague Characters at level 12 in 51th session.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of Fallout 2d20

    StarFinder or Star Trek 2D20 next on list If Children of Atom doesn't come out soon.

    Going to be playing in a game of Champions on FGU very soon. I bought Gm copy of FGU a while ago and he is going to start running it.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    You will probably get a quicker response if you ask these types of questions directly to SmiteWorks. Use the Help link at the top of the website to contact support.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    I did finally find a place a could submit a direct question. I had asked this question here a good while ago in this channel. and I realized that I hadn't gotten any response. I should have deleted the message here and shouldn't have posted in two forums. Thanks for the response.
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague Characters at level 12 in 51th session.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of Fallout 2d20

    StarFinder or Star Trek 2D20 next on list If Children of Atom doesn't come out soon.

    Going to be playing in a game of Champions on FGU very soon. I bought Gm copy of FGU a while ago and he is going to start running it.

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