1. #1

    LFG 1 Player D&D 5e Wednesday or Thursday preferred.

    FG License: Ultimate
    Time Zone: Pacific Time USA. However, I am off of work at 2PM PST so available for early EST starts (after 5PM EST).
    Day(s) Weekdays - Wednesday or Thursday are preferred.
    Term: Open, this is mostly for learning FGU purposes, but I am willing to commit to longer term campaigns.
    Voice: Discord

    Game System Preferred: D&D5e
    Game System Experience: All editions of D&D, a little PF (mostly from the Pathfinder online games).
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: Newbie FG user even though I have owned it for a few years. Tried to get my kids to play on it (because they are all leaving home) but no luck. LOL

    Character Type Preferred: I tend to like Wizard or Sorcerer classes. However, I have played many types.

    About me: I'm an old school player, first started in the early 80's. I'm a team player, I won't argue rulings by the DM. I am looking to get some FGU experience as a player and hope to DM at some point.
    Last edited by Dwayne Squires; June 19th, 2024 at 17:43.

    FGU/FGC Ultimate License
    DnD, Pathfinder, and Wargaming

  2. #2
    I am looking for two players for Wednesdays at 5pm Eastern. I have 5 but several are on hiatus and a couple need to miss for life stuff frequently for now. I am adding to make sure I have at least three players every week at least. I would be able to handle it if all seven show up as long as everyone behaves...LOL.

    I am old school as well. I started playing in 1979. Had a brief hiatus in mid 2000s and got back in when my kids wanted me to teach them to play. One of them is in this campaign but on a break.
    I have been using fantasy grounds since 2014ish and have found a lot of joy. Some of the guys in the game are excellent Fantasy grounds coders and could teach you alot of that stuff. Makes things very easy and streamlined.

    I am currently running my version of Tomb of Annihilation. We started at 1st level but currently are 3rd level in a port city in Chult. I have a wide range of players and characters. Currently have an Artificer, Wizard, Rogue, Paladin, and Cleric. The problem I am having with this group is that we want to stay together but people have to miss quite a bit. The core of this group has been together for 4+ years. I need a couple more to ensure that I have at least three for a session. For peeps that can't make it i usually either have an excuse that they are not there or, with permission, run them as NPCs.

    The game is rated R for language and graphic violence. Its a good group even if we have some constant talkers...LOL

    I like roleplay so this campaign is 60% Roleplay 40% combat. If you are a combat guy, you will still have ample opportunity. I will always look to challenge the party with combat... What I have fun with though is seeing character interaction and growth.

    I certainly can give more info and I know that the time is right on the edge for you getting home from work but if this is something you are interested in for learning purposes or a long term thing later let me know.

  3. #3
    I found a group. Thank you to everyone who responded. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to delete this post.

    FGU/FGC Ultimate License
    DnD, Pathfinder, and Wargaming

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