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  1. #11
    A bit disappointed in the lack of response on this thread, and the same question posted on the Kickstarter page.

  2. #12
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamRiddle View Post
    A bit disappointed in the lack of response on this thread, and the same question posted on the Kickstarter page.
    If you noticed from previous responses and post #6, the only ones who have the information you seek is Kobold Press. And I don't recall them ever posting on the forums here. It's unfortunate that the KS inquiry hasn't gotten you the answers you seek, but either there or directly with KP are probably your best places to get updated information on the project to get ToV on FG.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #13
    FYI, a FULL FG conversion of the TOV Player's Guide and Monster Vault were included in the Kickstarter at the $150 tier, which ended over a year ago and is fulfilling now.

    Since Kobold Press would have to work with SmiteWorks for that fulfillment, I was hoping they would have an update on it's progress - especially since their VTT competitors already have them completed, for sale to the general public, and fulfilled to Kickstarter pledges.

  4. #14
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamRiddle View Post
    FYI, a FULL FG conversion of the TOV Player's Guide and Monster Vault were included in the Kickstarter at the $150 tier, which ended over a year ago and is fulfilling now.

    Since Kobold Press would have to work with SmiteWorks for that fulfillment, I was hoping they would have an update on it's progress - especially since their VTT competitors already have them completed, for sale to the general public, and fulfilled to Kickstarter pledges.
    Typically, SmiteWorks involvement is only in a quality review and approval prior to distribution. They do not do the conversion themselves. And typically they, as a company, do not comment because they have no control over when the actual work gets done. There have been cases of other 3rd party products failing the SmiteWorks review and then taking many many months to get fixed and resubmitted.

    I don't remember the product name and it wouldn't help if I did, but their was another KS a few years back that made public statements that their product would be in FG in days because they had just submitted it to SW. Well, it took a week or two for the review, which failed. Best I could tell from what happened after that... the person who did the conversion for the KS didn't want to do the fixes (or couldn't). It took the KS many months to find someone to agree to make the fixes, and months more for it to actually get released as an FG product.

    I would hope KP has a better handle on the process. Because this is not the first KS they have done an FG version for. The purpose of relating that is just to say that the process has many steps, and passes through multiple hands and not all of them are always transparent to each other, and therefore can be hard to accurately comment. And so SW tends to just not comment at all and the best source of information is the party, KP, that is the IP owner since they are the only ones who have visibility into all the steps.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #15
    Just received this Kickstarter update:

    Fantasy Grounds VTT
    The team at Smiteworks is working diligently to bring Tales of the Valiant to you. The Kobolds do not have a release timeline, but we will update you as soon as we have more information.


  6. #16

    Well…not surprised

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamRiddle View Post
    Just received this Kickstarter update:

    Fantasy Grounds VTT
    The team at Smiteworks is working diligently to bring Tales of the Valiant to you. The Kobolds do not have a release timeline, but we will update you as soon as we have more information.

    I’m still waiting to receive my physical books. I’ve contacted their customer service 3x so far (once a month) and have not heard anything from them. I even went to discord and that wasn’t much help. So when it comes to the VTT, it’s not surprising

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by SundanceKid007 View Post
    I’m still waiting to receive my physical books. I’ve contacted their customer service 3x so far (once a month) and have not heard anything from them. I even went to discord and that wasn’t much help. So when it comes to the VTT, it’s not surprising
    That is very unfortunately, my condolences Sundance. Hopefully it gets resolved soon.

    My gripe is Alchemy has been up and running with ToV contents for months now, Foundry same with BlackFlag content (which is 70+% ToV), and Roll20 is nearly complete. FG progress ... nothing but crickets. SW has posted to this thread they have no control over Kickstarters, yet KP says they are "working diligently" on it. Bit of a contradiction; or maybe bad wording? In either case, it would be nice if someone would stand tall and own it rather than passing the buck. From a distance this looks like a black eye to me, being last to the table, and disappointing to those of us who have supported FG all these years.

    Nothing you can do but wait I suppose.

  8. #18
    Actually no one from SmiteWorks has commented on this thread till now. The content is being worked on and is currently in review.
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  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by superteddy57 View Post
    Actually no one from SmiteWorks has commented on this thread till now. The content is being worked on and is currently in review.
    My apologies if that statement was incorrect. LordEntrails reply to this thread sure sounded official. I now see the one-line statement saying he is not an employee. Very well hidden. Fool me once, I suppose ...

    It is good to finally get a comment from someone on it. My thanks.


  10. #20
    Well we don't comment or share information till it's in a position to relay that information. We have shared information in the past and then the content never really reached completion and release. We don't like disappointing our community and that can happen if things fall through. This is still not a confirmation the product is ready for release, but it's being worked on and in being tested at this point.
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