Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    I have 3 that can do Monday nights. Preferred 9pm EST - ? But can probably swing 10EST for 3 hours.

    Myself (Played FG before) My wife (New to FG and 4thEd) and a Friend (well versed in 3.5 and played a 1 shot of 4th Ed, never used FG)

    Let me know if you're interested!

  2. #12
    For me it's more like late Friday evenings (12am EST on) or late Tuesday evenings (12am EST on).

  3. #13
    I'm down with this game. I'm available pretty much any day of the week in the evenings. Anywhere from around 6pm-4am EST. I'd like to roll a wizard, but if a front line fighter is needed I can roll up that too. Or a rogue. Ok, I like to play pretty much everything but a cleric. I'd even play a paladin.
    Last edited by KainVorador; April 7th, 2009 at 16:55.

  4. #14

    very interested


    I'm currently living in Korea as an ESL teacher and greatly missing my old D&D group. I'd love to play with you all. As I'm 15 hours ahead of you guys, if you play from midnight to 3 or 4am that is around 3pm to 7 8pm my time which is perfect for me as that is when I'm off. Anyday of the week is fine.

    I'm very flexable on character choice. Please let me know if spaces are still open. Thanks a lot.
    Last edited by AutoPilotPlayer; April 9th, 2009 at 15:27.

  5. #15
    Just checking in to see if this game is still on?
    "Imagination is an almost divine faculty which, without recourse to any philosophical method, immediately perceives everything: The secret and intimate connections between things, correspondences and analogies."

  6. #16

    This sounds great! Late nights? No sleep? Kick ***!

    Hi there, how's it going?

    I live in Eastern Standard Time land and Friday and Saturday nights are perfect.

    Your campaign/adventure idea sounds super. I love serious roleplaying but I am also a great fan of embedding swords/maces/crowbars into evil things. Monster make great weapon holders.

    Anyhoo, basic stuff here: Roleplaying for more than 10 years, took 10-year-break, cried, found FG, stopped crying and now looking for roleplayers in my demographic (i.e. working a full-time-plus overtime-with-no-extra-pay-job and not going crazy).

    I will beg/plead/threaten/beg you later for a chance to play, as right now I am at work.

    Hope I am not too late,
    StrangeBlades enjoys long walks on the beach, shotguns, killing zombies with said shotguns, and any chance to roleplay Dungeons and Dragons.

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