1. #1

    LFP Shadowdark Sundays 7:00 p.m. GMT+9 (Japan)

    Game System: Shadowdark
    VTT: Fantasy Grounds (GM has full Ultimate license, so you can play for free)
    Time Zone: GMT+9 (Japan)
    Day of week and time: Sunday 7:00 pm
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly, 2.5 hours
    Cost per session: Always free!
    Text or Voice: Voice
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord, Not recorded or streamed.
    Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 players, looking for one or two more

    Gameplay Style: Player empowerment! The characters are powerless (OSR style!), but the players are powerful. Players seek creative solutions to problems in their imaginations, not on their character sheets. The plot is partially emergent (i.e., changes in response to characters' actions), and the story is about 50% player-driven.

    We are playing the Cursed Scrolls adventures.

  2. #2
    Still looking...
    Last edited by spoofer; July 14th, 2024 at 09:28.

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