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  1. #1

    Copy + Paste Adding Carriage Returns

    I don't know if this is PF2e related or just a general Fantasy Grounds thing, so sorry if this is the wrong forum, and also this is on the Test channel:

    Whenever I copy+paste into certain fields, Fantasy Grounds automatically adds a carriage return before AND after whatever I am pasting, even if none was present in the text I copied. This is, needless to say, super annoying. This doesn't happen with every single field, which is why I'm not sure if it's a PF2e thing or not.

    For example, looking at a Feat, it happens with the "effects/benefits" field, the "special" field, the "how to use" field, and the unmarked field that I'm not entirely sure what it is after the "critical failure" field; it doesn't happen with any of the other Feat fields.

    It also happens with reference manual pages, where it is particularly annoying because it keeps messing up tables when I try to paste data into them.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Where are you copy/pasting from? I'm not seeing this when I copy paste from this forum for example. It sounds like maybe the source you are using might be the issue maybe? And can you provide a screenshot or two.
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  3. #3
    Hm... interesting. After more testing, the issue only happens when copying from Fantasy Grounds into Fantasy Grounds, and only when copying from a field that has the issue into a field that has the issue.

    For example, the following image happens if I copy text from the "Effects/Benefits" field and paste it to the same. If I copy text from the reference manual into the effects/benefits field, or vice versa, same thing. However, if I copy text from say the "requirements" field then it doesn't have the problem.

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    This is probably something to do with xml. This will often add additional spaces in certain places and when you copy you are copying those xml codes as well. This is usually apparent when you copy or paste bold or italic text. Not at my computer now so I can’t test what you are doing exactly.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #5
    I am familiar with the weirdness that happens copying bold and italic text, but it's hard to imagine the issue here is that it's copying tags from the XML because of how consistent the results all: No matter how small or large the sentence fragment I copy is - even if it's only a single character in the middle of a sentence - it always pastes with a line break before and after.

    In the XML sense, whatever I copy is being enclosed in <p></p> tags when pasted, it seems.

    ...Ah, speaking of the XML, all of the affected fields are formatted text-type fields instead of string-type fields. So I suspect that the pasted text being enclosed in <p></p> is quite literally what is going on, however it is happening.

    EDIT: Copying from the reference manual actually doesn't reliably cause the issue, unless the copied text is inside a table and then it usually does. However, copying from a formatted text-type field in i.e. the Feat window to the reference manual does cause the issue.
    Last edited by MaxAstro; June 25th, 2024 at 00:23.

  6. #6
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Moved to the House of Healing as this is not ruleset specific.
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  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Fairly sure Moon Wizard has mentioned that they are aware of this. But either the solution was not simple or was due to something they couldn't control. Don't remember and I could be wrong...

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  8. #8

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    I've been wondering about this "feature" since Classic, lol. Never said anything about it though. The only time it seems to not happen is if you paste at the end of a story/book (for the space at the end, beginning space still happens). If you copy a few words in the middle of a sentence then paste, no extra spaces. It's weird.

  9. #9
    You might also notice that it doesn't add the space/return until the next reload of the campaign.


  10. #10
    Yes, it's a limitation of the original data storage mechanism from FG Classic; but not changed due to impacts on backward compatibility, high risk in data changes vs. limited issues that it causes.


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