5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    One Shot 5e - The Whispering Woods

    DM FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate (you can use the Demo version or have STD Unity License to play)
    Game System: D&D 5E
    Time Zone: CST
    Day of week and time: Sunday 7-11PM CST time
    Next game: 6/23/2024
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 2-4 hr. session.
    Term: One Shot - Tier 2 (Level 6-8)
    Text or Voice: Voice.
    Voice software used: Discord.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No
    Roleplay & Combat mix: 20/80
    Number of Players in game & needed: 0/4
    Character starting level & equipment: magic items already on the character to be approved by DM if it is a pre-existing character. If new character items to be approved by DM. Nothing above rare.
    Character restrictions: PHB, Tasha, Xanathar, Swordcoast, Monsters of the multiverse, UA
    Scenario Details: The Whispering Woods

    Your group is hired by a well-known herbalist whose assistant has been missing in The Whispering Woods for over 4 days. Your task is to rescue the assistant and bring her back if at all possible.
    Last edited by shezingzh; June 16th, 2024 at 02:57.

  2. #2
    I would be interested. I have some 5e resources and an ultimate subscription to FG, but am new to using it and have not played D&D in years- looking to learn 5e as I usd to play AD&D when I was younger. I can be reached on discord at: TheCrimsonCoyote / crimson.coyote

  3. #3
    Am available and would love to join. What do you need from me?

  4. #4
    I'd be interested

  5. #5
    We have 3 players, looking for one more brave adventure. Join us for the comraderies', the adventure, and the fun.

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