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  1. #1

    Character Wizard?

    I recently purchased the Pathfinder's Finest Humble Bundle which Fantasy Grounds Unity Standard License and a bunch of Pathfinder 2E.

    The Quickstart guide (which seems to use a DnD ruleset) suggets there's a Character Wizard that should be accessible from the Party/Characters menu tab, but I don't see one - and I can't find how to add spells to Pathfinder characters.

    What am I missing?

  2. #2
    There isn't any ready-made wizard character in the pathfinder ruleset. However, you should be able to create a new character if you open the characters window.

    To add spells to your character, you open the spells window, search for the spell you want, and then drag it to your character sheet under the spell level where you want it.

  3. #3
    If you click the green plus in the Characters window to create a new one, two windows will pop up: a blank character sheet, and a chargen tracker that will lead you through the steps.

    For instance, in the Chargen Tracker option there's a name field at the top (fill it in and it'll sync with the character sheet), and an Ancestry button. Click the Ancestry button, scroll through the list of ancestries, click the "Add to PC" button.

    If, say, one adds 'Human', it will bring up a dialog box telling me to select two attributes for free boosts (STR, CON for this example). Back in the Chargen Tracker dialog, there will be instructions to add an ancestry feat; various bits like speed and size have been populated. Maybe I select 'Natural Ambition'; that gets added. The tracker tells me that Natural Ambition isn't automated, so I can check the description and know to add an extra class feat later.

    OK, with Ancestry out of the way, the Background button appears. I'm going basic here, so I pick Warrior. This automatically sets Intimidation to Trained, grants Lore - Warfare and Intimidating Glare, and tells me to pick a boost from a limited selection, and a second 'free' boost.

    With those out of the way, it's the Class step. OK, Fighter, no surprise. Key Ability shows up... Strength. The instructions in the Chargen Tracker window tell me to add a fighter feat (actually, I need to choose two, because I picked Natural Ambition from ancestry) and to train three skills of my choice (with a reminder to add one more skill if I boost Intelligence in the Free Boosts step), and to also train one of Acrobatics and Athletics. To adjust the skills, I need to do that on the character sheet, setting the skills section to edit mode. Maybe I choose Medicine, Stealth and Deception (for feinting), and Athletics for the either-or. I can then click the Class feat filter in the chargen tracker... hm, maybe Combat Assessment and Exacting Strike.

    Free Boost time -- ok, maybe STR/INT/CON/CHA (the INT boost leading to another skill, let's say Society).

    At that point, it asks whether or not I want the default class kit. If no... OK, inventory is empty, there's 150 SP to spend. Something else the chargen tracker did not set up is walking me through adding additional languages. Reading the "Additional Languages" feature automatically added to the Abilities tab tells me to select 1 + INT mod (if it's positive, which it is) additional languages, which in this case would be 2.

    With regards to inventory, one can drag/drop equipment. If one wants to automate spending and changing currency, there are extensions to help with that (e.g. , a paid extension named "Mad Nomad's Buy and Sell Items").


    For an alternative, I'll note this in case you have players that are familiar with Pathbuilder: , free extension "Pathbuilder Importer". It does a decent job of importing Pathbuilder JSON. But, do double-check the results.


    When it comes to leveling up a character, one can hit the 'Tracker' button on the character sheet to return to it, and then hit the 'Add a level'. If I do that for my just-created fighter above, the tracker promptly tells me to add 'skill feat 1' and 'fighter feat 2', and that the character's HP have already been updated. At this point, the 'class' feat filter brings up a dialog box that includes not just level 1 fighter feats, but level 2 fighter feats. Perhaps I add "Intimidating Strike". These automatically get added to the sheet, and not only that, but the level at which they were selected is recorded.

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    There are some videos in this YouTube channel that show character creation for Pathfinder 2 in Fantasy Grounds - as noted, the chargen tracker guides you through the process, which appears once you create a PC.

    These two go through examples:
    1) Fighter generation:
    2) Rogue eldritch trickster: plus
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    Thanks greatly for all the advice so far. All of it very helpful.

    I had found the tracker, but for the life of me hadn't seen the spells area under the Actions tab.

    One thing that frustrates me with the tracker, when it prompts me to add features, without paying close attention I find it too easy to add duplicate/extra options with no way of seeing what I've added "legally" nor an undo option. Is there something else I've missed that addresses this?

  6. #6
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tersival View Post
    One thing that frustrates me with the tracker, when it prompts me to add features, without paying close attention I find it too easy to add duplicate/extra options with no way of seeing what I've added "legally" nor an undo option. Is there something else I've missed that addresses this?
    There's no undo, but you can delete things. The tracker is not like the 5E ruleset wizard, it's to provide guidance and messaging when creating a character. You'll still need to pay attention to the guidance and try not to add duplicate features.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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