5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    token selection issue with alpha image over player.

    (Tested in 5e, campaign attached with used images in the tokens campaign folder...)

    If you have an token (Just dragged it from the assets window onto the map, and resized. ) with alpha, and you place this with some overlap on a player, the system thinks the player token is now part of the alpha token.

    see attached alpha1.jpg image, while over the player token but within the rectangle of the alpha token the alpha token is considered as the selecting token. ie if you click down and drag, it will move the table and not the player. Even if the player is clearly not covered by any alpha part of the image.

    If you move the cursor between the chair sections, the alpha selection of FG works.. ie nothing shows as under the cursor until you get over part of the actual table while between the chairs.

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    Forge Modules: B9's Steel Defender.
    Forge Extensions: B9's Spell Tokens, B9's Encumbrance Tweak, B9's Damage Per Round, B9's Surprise Round.
    DMsGuild Extensions: Advanced Weapon Damage, Advanced Spell Damage, Aspect Of The Bear, Spell Long Rest For NPC, Spell Domain.

  2. #2
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
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    Thanks for the report. I was able to identify the issue and it should be fixed the next to a new executable update is pushed.

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