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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Morbid-Don View Post

    Once I click the stopwatch then an Open URL popup window shows (so the timer will work) - after clicking 'Yes to All' then the log becomes filled up with 'Detecting path with an infinite warp loop. Skipping that path'

    How do I remedy this issue? My goal is to set my Buffalo token to walk around the map in a loop (basically animate the one token)

    Attachment 61099
    Interesting. That error is supposed to prevent paths that have an infinite loop, but it doesn't look like your path has that. Can you send me a zip of the campaign so I can debug it?

  2. #22
    Hey - here is a zip of my campaign (wasnt sure what to submit) Rancho-Relaxo.zip

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Morbid-Don View Post
    Hey - here is a zip of my campaign (wasnt sure what to submit) Rancho-Relaxo.zip
    So the images and tokens that are referenced in the campaign aren't actually in the campaign, so I can't look at or edit anything. I'll keep trying to reproduce this though.

    When you were adding the waypoints, did you add them in the order they're supposed to be traversed, or did you add the start and end point before the middle waypoints?

    EDIT: I've attached a version of the ext to this post that adds some logging. It will spam the chat even more, but if you could get me a screenshot of chat when it does that will also help.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Saagael; June 19th, 2024 at 22:30.

  4. #24
    Hi - two items - my clipboard from FG and a video capture patrol-duty-details.zip

    Originally the sequence i did was

    Drop token onto map from Assets
    Right Click Token
    Drop green, yellow, yellow, yellow, red (start, middle, middle, middle, end)

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Morbid-Don View Post
    Hi - two items - my clipboard from FG and a video capture patrol-duty-details.zip

    Originally the sequence i did was

    Drop token onto map from Assets
    Right Click Token
    Drop green, yellow, yellow, yellow, red (start, middle, middle, middle, end)
    Thanks for that, I think I figured it out. There were a handful of paths that had no waypoints, and I had a bug that considered that an bad path when it shouldn't be. And based on your recording it looks like the token is moving just fine. I'll get this submitted to the Forge shortly

  6. #26
    woohoo ~ thank you!

  7. #27
    This ext seems to remove the red helmet in the radial menu of B9's spell tokens ext. It appears that both are fighting for the 6'o clock space.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    This ext seems to remove the red helmet in the radial menu of B9's spell tokens ext. It appears that both are fighting for the 6'o clock space.
    I was concerned this might happen; I'll try and get something working to fix that.

  9. #29
    Laerun and I recorded a video that walks through how to use the main features for this extension, which you can see on the FG Academy Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH21EMqIGio

  10. #30
    Hi - i saw the updated - here is my latest compile log - based on the timer error fgu_logs_20240625.zip

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