Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by TurinDM View Post
    This is not working for me, i followed the instructions. Any body have the same or just me?

    Pd: I tried another NPCs and only certain spells work but not others. For example, Blur, Protection against fire, mirror image or Divine favor dont work.
    Are you using the 'Upgrade NPC Actions' extension?

    If so, try disabling that extension and then trying it. Alternatively change the name of one of the effects that you are having an issue with so that is does not match the name of an existing spell. (I.E Change 'Blur' to 'Blurr')

    I am able to replicate this issue with specific criteria. With the 'Upgrade NPC Actions' extension loaded if I create an effect that has the same name as an existing spell (from the 'PFRPG - Spellbook Extended' module) then the effect is replaced with the spell from the spellbook. Thus nullifying my custom effect.

    The interesting part is that doesn't happen in all campaigns. I have two campaigns that I have been testing this in. I have the same extensions loaded in both modules and, as far as I can tell, the campaigns are set up the same. In one of these campaigns I can replicate the effect. In the other the exact same effect works fine.

    See the image below for how I can replicate this issue. But note that, as indicated above, this only causes an issue in one of my campaigns. If I set up this exact same effect in my other campaigns it works fine. I don't know why that is. @bmos - Any ideas?

    Effects Issue.jpg
    Last edited by dllewell; January 31st, 2024 at 14:51.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by dllewell View Post
    Are you using the 'Upgrade NPC Actions' extension?

    If so, try disabling that extension and then trying it. Alternatively change the name of one of the effects that you are having an issue with so that is does not match the name of an existing spell. (I.E Change 'Blur' to 'Blurr')

    I am able to replicate this issue with specific criteria. With the 'Upgrade NPC Actions' extension loaded if I create an effect that has the same name as an existing spell (from the 'PFRPG - Spellbook Extended' module) then the effect is replaced with the spell from the spellbook. Thus nullifying my custom effect.

    The interesting part is that doesn't happen in all campaigns. I have two campaigns that I have been testing this in. I have the same extensions loaded in both modules and, as far as I can tell, the campaigns are set up the same. In one of these campaigns I can replicate the effect. In the other the exact same effect works fine.

    See the image below for how I can replicate this issue. But note that, as indicated above, this only causes an issue in one of my campaigns. If I set up this exact same effect in my other campaigns it works fine. I don't know why that is. @bmos - Any ideas?

    Effects Issue.jpg
    Wow, its true. I tested this morning both casses with and without upgrade NPC actions, and only when i disable the ext it works.
    Last edited by TurinDM; February 2nd, 2024 at 11:11.

  3. #43
    Is this extension currently working? Does not seem to add any effects on load, at least for PCs. I'm pretty sure it was working recently.

  4. #44
    The extension currently only works for NPCs. Generally, PCs are only added to the combat tracker once during the course of a campaign, so it has less value there. I think I might have had that functionality there for PCs at one point but removed it.

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