Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #2831
    played around with the code in gmw-toolkit.lua and commented out these lines and the error doesn't come up and seemed to be functional although I noticed some of the side entries had different shade of blue then with the fixed code.
    --[[DesktopManager.setSidebarDockCategoryIconColor("00 0000");
    DesktopManager.setSidebarDockCategoryTextColor("00 0000");

    Then I came across this thread that suggests DesktopManager is depreciated and should be replaced with ColorManager

    changed the above code to:
    ColorManager.setSidebarCategoryIconColor("000000") ;
    ColorManager.setSidebarCategoryTextColor("000000") ;

    no errors at the moment and colors seem all uniform but I don't know if it would have broken anything else, would have to play around with it more. I don't presume to know a lot about Lua at all and could only guess what that code does exactly.

  2. #2832

  3. #2833
    Is there a way to change the font color? If I want to make the Difficulty Dice Symbol "purple" so that it stands out more when I look at a skill or talent?

  4. #2834
    Hey, coming back after a long hiatus. Going to be using the Genesys system instead of Star Wars now.

    Just got the Twilight Imperium sourcebook and was wondering if there are libraries for that available or planned?

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