Please post any feedback on the beta Test version in this thread:

Planned Release Date: June 2024

The latest ruleset updates are now in beta testing.

As always, we're a small company so we rely on our community to help sound out each new release. Thanks in advance to all those who pitch in.

Only the Test mode slot contains this version. Test Mode can be accessed by selecting the Settings button from the Fantasy Grounds launch screen, changing the mode setting in the Settings dialog, and then selecting Update button to update the files to the test version. I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.

Key Things
1) Please make a copy of your campaign data for running in the Test data folder.
2) If the GM is running on Test channel, then all of the players will also need to be running on Test channel.
3) If you encounter an issues log them in the relevant testing thread - don't use the generic House of Healing, but use this thread.

Dominic M.