1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Release Updates for June 4th, 2024

    Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

    In order for some of the updates to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

    Note: Hotfixes are to fix an immediate problem that prevents using a product. They are not fully tested and may introduce other issues. If you have issues with a hotfix please contact support.

    The following products have been updated:

    Shadowdark RPG (Shadowdark RPG)
    • [Fixed] arrows, rations and other small items will now correctly display the slots used.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Dark Archive (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Player module - Thaumaturge lightning reflexes class feature applied at level 5 when it should be applied at level 3.

    Horror on the Orient Express (Call of Cthulhu 7E)
    • [Fixed] Fixed link to Research section in "Cold Wind Blowing"

    Rifts(R) for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Broken link
    • [Updated] Updated images to webp

    Mutant Crawl Classics Role Playing Game (Mutant Crawl Classics)
    • [Updated] NPC record dimensions increased.
    • [Updated] Character Selection window displays class (or occupation at level 0) for each character.

    Dungeon Crawl Classics Ruleset (Dungeon Crawl Classics)
    • [Updated] NPC record dimensions increased.
    • [Updated] Character Selection window displays class (or occupation at level 0) for each character.
    • [Updated] Enhanced duplicate tracking for auto-population of random languages on char sheet.
    • [Updated] Alignment tongue language converted to proper alignment language for auto-population of random languages on char sheet.
    • [Added] Slash command '/scroll' with optional parameter for source (wizard or cleric) generates a random magic scroll as outlined in the core rules.
    • [Added] Slash command '/demon' with required parameter for type (1 to 6) generates a random demon NPC as outlined in the core rules.

  2. #2
    CoreRPG (and layered rulesets)
    • [Fixed] Links within story books pointing to other modules would sometimes generate errors. Fixed.
    • [Fixed] Links to specific products on FG store not working in some cases. Fixed.
    • [Fixed] New languages unable to be selected by players for speaking until table rejoined. Fixed.
    • [Fixed] FG Dark theme checkbox graphic is hard to see. Fixed.
    • [Fixed] FG Western theme combat tracker entry frame graphics not working correctly. Fixed.
    • [DEV][Added] Support for registering additional actor record types for item transfers.

    D&D 5E
    • [Fixed] Book of Many Things missing from All Rules campaign setup loading.

    D&D 4E
    • [Fixed] Unable to edit skill roll details in the Skill Challenge Tracker.

    Savage Worlds
    • [Fixed] Chase card complication notifications not displaying on turn change.

  3. #3
    E20CORE (Transformers)
    • [Update] NPC drag'n'drop now support a more generic "drop-anywhere" handling that the character sheets support.
    • [Added] Character sheets support Cross-Play building IF modules from another E20CORE ruleset are available.
    "If you love it, mod it."
    Ruleset Developer

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Shadowdark RPG (Shadowdark RPG)
    • [Fixed] Currency encumbrance. First 100 coins free.
    • [Fixed] Client Combat Tracker HP and temp HP will now display

  5. #5
    Savage Worlds
    • [Fixed] Parcels incorrectly adding some items to Armor list when dropped on PC.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Barbarians of Lemuria (Barbarians of Lemuria)
    • [Updated] NPC record notes tab to support Honor and Intrigue

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