Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #21
    I've pushed the hot fixes. Please run a new Check for Updates.

    I will be working with @bayne7400 to standardize those frames, so that they work with all the themes.


  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Go look on the notes tab. It has a spot for size, advantage and competence.

    Just setting up NPCs, but on my Notes tab of NPC card, it is essentially a blank notepad? I don't see any "spot for size, advantage and competence"? I am no doubt missing something, but...

  3. #23
    Let me check on this when I get home. I'm betting when we redid how the sidebar records look I missed this. I'll get it updated this week if it is required.

  4. #24

  5. #25
    I submitted the fix. It may take a day or so for it to go live. It will show up in the patch notes as an update to Barbarians of Lemuria ruleset.

  6. #26

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