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Thread: Carbon 2185 5e

  1. #21
    no problem thank you for doing it. it's way better than anything I could have done I just thought I would ask. not a big deal to do that small part by hand

  2. #22
    I know this is a long shot but I'm going to ask anyway. Would any programmer be willing to take this EXT character sheet and maintenance it? As it mostly works now, occasionally there are errors that pop up but most everything seems to work. There are a few instances where using Tech and People does not work properly. I just don't know enough about programming to change things and hope I don't break anything else, as I'm sure I would. I did look at it and while I understand the basics of it, changing it is a whole different thing. I have put the whole ruleset book into FG and would be willing to pass that along to help keep this up to date.

  3. #23
    A bit of necromancy here, but is anyone still interested in this? I'm about 75% done with the ruleset for Carbon 2185 and "so far" everything appears to work. I'll post it to the boards when it's completed.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Weepdrag View Post
    A bit of necromancy here, but is anyone still interested in this? I'm about 75% done with the ruleset for Carbon 2185 and "so far" everything appears to work. I'll post it to the boards when it's completed.

    I finished it over a year ago and asked the creator if I could put a basic version up for free and he was none to happy so be careful what you post. Honestly it pushed me away from it.i have not touched it since.

  5. #25
    I wouldn't think that posting the ruleset would be a problem. It IS 5e after all. There isn't anything proprietary in the ruleset, just the mechanics of the game. I've also got the other books transcribed to FGU but won't be putting that up. Thanks for the heads up

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