Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #61
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Draykor View Post
    Seems to be an issue with importing Swashbuckler. The importer fails to find swashbuckler abilities which causes the entirety of the activities tab to go [mostly] blank.
    1) There's not many activities actually associated with a Swashbuckler class in the APG data. Hence there's not much in terms of activities shown in the activities tab.
    2) You'll need to reset the activities via the Chargen tracker right-click menus - use Delete all activities and rebuild standard standard entries first, and then use Rebuild feat, feature and item activities. This won't give you any more swashbuckler activities, but it will give you the base activities.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #62
    That did it. Thank you for help in pointing that feature out. I used it in a friendly FGU vs Foundry debate amongst my customers. So double thanks for the ammunition lol

  3. #63
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Draykor View Post
    That did it. Thank you for help in pointing that feature out. I used it in a friendly FGU vs Foundry debate amongst my customers. So double thanks for the ammunition lol
    Good to hear it gave you some ammunition. Glad to help!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #64
    I'll take a look at why the basic activities were missing

  5. #65
    Okey dokey -

    When you finish importing a character, the first time you open it, you're going to get a little popup asking you to convert it to Release 19 data - this is the step that actually adds the default activities. If you say no here, you're gunna be missing all the defaults.

    As for the specials failing to import in your screenshot: A lot of class specific data gets added automatically by the PF2E ruleset. For example, I imported a level 1 swashbuckler and panache shows as not imported, but if you look at the abilities tab, it's displayed correctly. That'll be the case for a lot of "default" class data.

  6. #66
    Did you restart FG?

    Nothing at all showed for me on the abilities tab. Also, I could not manipulate it on the party sheet at all. The character shows but just doesn't exist at the same time

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Draykor View Post
    Did you restart FG?

    Nothing at all showed for me on the abilities tab. Also, I could not manipulate it on the party sheet at all. The character shows but just doesn't exist at the same time
    Yes, I updated FGU and also created a new campaign just in case my test campaign was doing something weird.

    Can you share the JSON here so I can test your specific character?

  8. #68
    {"success":true,"build":{"name":"Zema","class":"Sw ashbuckler","dualClass":null,"level":3,"ancestry": "Catfolk","heritage":"Clawed Catfolk","background":"Warrior","alignment":"N","g ender":"Female","age":"32","deity":"Apsu","size":2 ,"sizeName":"Medium","keyability":"dex","languages ":["Amurrun","Common"],"rituals":[],"resistances":[],"inventorMods":[],"attributes":{"ancestryhp":8,"classhp":10,"bonush p":0,"bonushpPerLevel":0,"speed":25,"speedBonus":5 },"abilities":{"str":10,"dex":18,"con":16,"int":10 ,"wis":10,"cha":14,"breakdown":{"ancestryFree":["Con"],"ancestryBoosts":["Dex","Cha"],"ancestryFlaws":["Wis"],"backgroundBoosts":["Con","Dex"],"classBoosts":["Dex"],"mapLevelledBoosts":{"1":["Cha","Dex","Con","Wis"]}}},"proficiencies":{"classDC":2,"perception":4,"f ortitude":4,"reflex":4,"will":4,"heavy":0,"medium" :0,"light":2,"unarmored":2,"advanced":0,"martial": 2,"simple":2,"unarmed":2,"castingArcane":0,"castin gDivine":0,"castingOccult":0,"castingPrimal":0,"ac robatics":4,"arcana":0,"athletics":2,"crafting":0, "deception":2,"diplomacy":2,"intimidation":4,"medi cine":0,"nature":0,"occultism":0,"performance":0," religion":0,"society":0,"stealth":2,"survival":0," thievery":2},"mods":{},"feats":[["Intimidating Glare",null,"Awarded Feat",1],["You're Next",null,"Class Feat",1,"Swashbuckler Feat 1","standardChoice",null],["Clawed Catfolk",null,"Heritage",1,"Heritage Feat","standardChoice",null],["Cat's Luck",null,"Ancestry Feat",1,"Catfolk Feat 1","standardChoice",null],["Antagonize",null,"Class Feat",2,"Swashbuckler Feat 2","standardChoice",null],["Assurance","Intimidation","Skill Feat",2,"Skill Feat 2","standardChoice",null],["Acrobat Dedication",null,"Archetype Feat",2,"Free Archetype 2","standardChoice",null],["Incredible Initiative",null,"General Feat",3,"General Feat 3","standardChoice",null],["Cat Fall",null,"Skill Feat",3,"Stylist Tricks 3","standardChoice",null]],"specials":["Confident Finisher","Braggart Style","Panache","Land on Your Feet","Precise Strike","Low-Light Vision","Vivacious Speed","Great Fortitude","Opportune Riposte","Stylish Tricks","Clawed Catfolk"],"lores":[["Warfare",2]],"equipmentContainers":{"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d":{"containerName":"Backpack","bagOfHo lding":false,"backpack":true}},"equipment":[["Backpack",1,"Invested"],["Bedroll",1,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Chalk",10,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Flint and Steel",1,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Rope",1,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Rations",2,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Torch",5,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Waterskin",1,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Soap",1,"2770fcaa-fd64-4b5f-80c0-adbd5eac791d","Invested"],["Thieves' Toolkit",1,"Invested"]],"specificProficiencies":{"trained":[],"expert":[],"master":[],"legendary":[]},"weapons":[{"name":"Rapier","qty":1,"prof":"martial","die":"d 6","pot":0,"str":"","mat":null,"display":"Rapier", "runes":[],"damageType":"P","attack":9,"damageBonus":0,"extr aDamage":[],"increasedDice":false,"isInventor":false},{"name" :"Light Mace","qty":1,"prof":"simple","die":"d4","pot":0," str":"","mat":null,"display":"Light Mace","runes":[],"damageType":"B","attack":9,"damageBonus":0,"extr aDamage":[],"increasedDice":false,"isInventor":false},{"name" :"Catfolk Claws","qty":1,"prof":"unarmed","die":"d6","pot":0 ,"str":"","mat":null,"display":"Catfolk Claws","runes":[],"damageType":"S","attack":9,"damageBonus":0,"extr aDamage":[],"increasedDice":false,"isInventor":false}],"money":{"cp":0,"sp":1,"gp":6,"pp":0},"armor":[{"name":"Leather Armor","qty":1,"prof":"light","pot":0,"res":"","ma t":null,"display":"Leather","worn":true,"runes" :[]}],"spellCasters":[],"focusPoints":0,"focus":{},"formula":[],"acTotal":{"acProfBonus":5,"acAbilityBonus":4,"ac ItemBonus":1,"acTotal":20,"shieldBonus":null},"pet s":[],"familiars":[]}}

  9. #69
    Can you send me the link to the json? The forums mangle the json when you post it here, adds spaces where there shouldn't be spaces.

  10. #70

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