5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Multiple attack types linked to one Sound Set

    I see that sound sets for attacks have multiple modes: Attack-FUMBLE, Attack-MISS, attack-CRIT, attack-HIT. Is there a way to combine those modes on one sound set entry? For example, if I want my crossbow to make the same sound when it hits, misses, fumbles and crits and have it trigger off of one entry card instead of four separate cards. It feels very redundant having to make a separate card for each type of attack when all I am doing is putting the same sound bite on each card.

    This is mostly for rulesets like D&D 3.5 and PF1 where the result of an attack directly correlates to the sound entry card it references

  2. #2
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    The short answer is yes, absolutely. You will have to set them all up yourself. You just use chat triggers and only have it look for text that is common to the attack, no matter the result.

    Then you can unload the triggers module or disable the one's you don't want to use.
    I'm so bassic

  3. #3
    That sounds like how it is right now or do you mean I can have four triggers on one card. attack-fumble-miss-crit

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    One trigger per card. But if you want them all to have the same sound, all you need to do is to find one chat string that they all share and just create one card. Such as if the chat string are something like "Crossbow, Attack - MISS" and "Crossbow, Attack - HIT" then just create one sound for "Crossbow, Attack".

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  5. #5
    So then that sound would be linked to the trigger "chat" looking for however the attack wording format is.

    Ok, I'll try that

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