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Thread: Landing Page

  1. #11
    Thanks for all those responses. For the sound it seems good enough.
    I need invisible tokens to do like in the video: when my player point an objet it seems to react, showing a name. If he click on this objet (a book, a scroll...) it opens something else (another image, a note...). The invisible tokens make the player think he is interacting with the object on the image.
    I deeply regret that the dice results are not shown if outside the chat box (a standard behavior in other VTTs, visually nicer, with the possibility to have bigger dices, like in roll20 or Foundry). It is possible to roll outside the chat box though, but not starting on an image, it is weird).
    Lastly I would have thought you can share an enlarged image. But it is not a problem, the player can choose any size he want. And for the icon bar, it is not a big deal.

  2. #12
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I added a suggestion to the Feature Request list: Fantasy Grounds - Feature Requests
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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #13
    Thanks for this suggestion, I voted for it.

  4. #14
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egheal View Post
    Thanks for all those responses. For the sound it seems good enough.
    I need invisible tokens to do like in the video: when my player point an objet it seems to react, showing a name. If he click on this objet (a book, a scroll...) it opens something else (another image, a note...). The invisible tokens make the player think he is interacting with the object on the image.
    I deeply regret that the dice results are not shown if outside the chat box (a standard behavior in other VTTs, visually nicer, with the possibility to have bigger dices, like in roll20 or Foundry). It is possible to roll outside the chat box though, but not starting on an image, it is weird).
    Lastly I would have thought you can share an enlarged image. But it is not a problem, the player can choose any size he want. And for the icon bar, it is not a big deal.
    About the invisible token: Can you not do that with Points of Interest? You can also use assets for your points of interest by the way For example: The merchant on my landing page can be clicked and it opens a shop page (making use of a shop extension in that case) Similarly, there is a book opening the player codex and so on. I am actually not using the pins anymore; using points of interest you can create points on the map the players can interact with

    @LordEntrails: Thanks for the suggestion on the wish list

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    About the invisible token: Can you not do that with Points of Interest? You can also use assets for your points of interest by the way For example: The merchant on my landing page can be clicked and it opens a shop page (making use of a shop extension in that case) Similarly, there is a book opening the player codex and so on. I am actually not using the pins anymore; using points of interest you can create points on the map the players can interact with

    @LordEntrails: Thanks for the suggestion on the wish list
    Yes, I can use the asset of a map for example, and place it, via the extension "Points of Interests", on the main image, if the player clic on this map it opens a larger map of the world.
    If I place a near invisible asset on the drawing of the book it opens a note. But in some cases, the asset is still visible (barely).
    My extension Strings and Pins can also be used to make Notice Boards, like the one you've shown us.

  6. #16
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egheal View Post
    Yes, I can use the asset of a map for example, and place it, via the extension "Points of Interests", on the main image, if the player clic on this map it opens a larger map of the world.
    If I place a near invisible asset on the drawing of the book it opens a note. But in some cases, the asset is still visible (barely).
    My extension Strings and Pins can also be used to make Notice Boards, like the one you've shown us.
    Uuh, nice, thanks for this extension, I will check it out

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