Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #1

    Way to add a permanent effect for Fey Foundling


    I am really loving Fantasy Grounds and its versatility especially with all the great extension we can have but I am having trouble figuring out if its possible to add a permanent effect to a players character for the Feat Fey Foundling.

    If hit with a weapon that is made of Cold Iron they take 1 additional point of damage (pretty insignificant so I might just ignore if not possible.)

    If healed they receive 2 additional HP per dice rolled

    And a +2 bonus on saves against death effects.

    I know how to add general save bonuses but is it possible to add one for spells that are specifically death effects? I assume not but I'm new to this so maybe one of you all know a way. Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Anput; May 4th, 2024 at 01:52.

  2. #2
    You're right that it needs an extension, but this one would do the trick:

    This adds some lines to spells where you can add tags, such as Healing or Death, then if you have an effect on the PC in question, when that spell affects them it will apply the proper bonuses.

    Worth noting too that this extension, has the spells auto-formatted with those tags for easier effect making.

    For an example effect, the save against death would look like IFTAG: death; SAVE: 2
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  3. #3
    Awesome, I have both of those extensions/modules already. Ill see if I can come up with the proper formatting of the effects and post them in case they work out as needed

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by srbongo View Post
    You're right that it needs an extension, but this one would do the trick:

    This adds some lines to spells where you can add tags, such as Healing or Death, then if you have an effect on the PC in question, when that spell affects them it will apply the proper bonuses.

    Worth noting too that this extension, has the spells auto-formatted with those tags for easier effect making.

    For an example effect, the save against death would look like IFTAG: death; SAVE: 2
    Ok so I am running into trouble. The save against Death effects is working, however, I cannot get the additional healing to work at all for some reason. I tried:

    IFTAG: healing; HEAL: 2
    But this does not seem to work at all, in addition the ability is +2 HP per Dice not just a flat +2.

    I kind of got the additional damage taken working but its a clunky method. Works similar to the Smite Evil example given on the Extension Page.

    Player with Fey Foundling has a permanent effect of:

    Cold Iron Weakness
    Then I add the following effect to a creature with a Cold Iron Weapon if applicable:

    IFT: CUSTOM (Cold Iron Weakness); DMG: 1
    Would prefer a way to get it to just apply on the DMGTYPE: cold iron when damaged but I cant figure it out.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by srbongo View Post
    You're right that it needs an extension, but this one would do the trick:

    This adds some lines to spells where you can add tags, such as Healing or Death, then if you have an effect on the PC in question, when that spell affects them it will apply the proper bonuses.

    Worth noting too that this extension, has the spells auto-formatted with those tags for easier effect making.

    For an example effect, the save against death would look like IFTAG: death; SAVE: 2
    So I have come up with the following options for Fey Foundling but am still running into issues with the extra healing bit.

    For the save your example works perfectly.

    IFTAG: death; SAVE: 2

    For the additional damage I ended up doing something similar to the smite effect.

    On the character with the Feat goes:
    Fey Foundling as an Effect

    On the character/NPC with a Cold Iron weapon goes:
    IFT: CUSTOM (Fey Foundling); DMG: 1

    A bit clunky imo as it requires me to remember to apply the effect to the character/NPC with the Cold Iron weapon

    As for the extra healing I cannot get it to work at all. I have tried a few things and even a simple:
    IFTAG: healing; HEAL: 2

    But that doesnt seem to work at all. In addition to it not working I am not sure how I can make it do +2 HP per Dice rolled. Any help on this one would be appreciated.

  6. #6

    Any help would be appreciated. I cant seem to get any additional healing to work at all.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Anput View Post

    Any help would be appreciated. I cant seem to get any additional healing to work at all.
    I do not think there is a way of doing this, not even with extensions.
    You should have an extra healing line that you manually apply to the character with fey foundling if you are often using it.

  8. #8

    use these...

    If hit with a weapon that is made of Cold Iron they take 1 additional point of damage:
    (effect on fey founding):
    VULN: 1 cold iron;

    (on weapon of attacker): add "cold iron" in "type" field, e.g. Type piercing, magic, cold iron

    If healed ["receive magical healing"] they receive 2 additional HP per dice rolled:
    (effect on fey founding):
    Fey Foundling

    (effect on anyone providing healing):
    IFT:CUSTOM (Fey Foundling); HEAL: 2; (e.g. cure light, 1d8+x)
    adjust numeric by multiples of heal dice:
    IFT:CUSTOM (Fey Foundling); HEAL: 4; (cure mod, 2d8+x)
    IFT:CUSTOM (Fey Foundling); HEAL: 6; (cure serious, 3d8+x)
    note: this ability would not work for channel positive energy nor lay on hands as both are supernatural healing

    And a +2 bonus on saves against death effects: (can't think of coding for "effects" per se, but at least for spells / spell-like...)
    Fey Foundling; IFTAG: spell, death; SAVE: 2 racial;
    Fey Foundling; IFTAG: spelllike, death; SAVE: 2 racial;

    these should hopefully cover a good chunk of what you need. the rest you'd have to be cognizant of incoming death effects and adjust manually)

    ***caveat:*** you may need to use this extension --- not sure all above are recognized by fgu default coding

    Last edited by tahl_liadon; May 16th, 2024 at 14:35.
    roll dice. it builds character.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post

    try these (my first pass from memory how effects are coded --- community might correct / improve)

    If hit with a weapon that is made of Cold Iron they take 1 additional point of damage:
    Fey Foundling; IFT: DMGTYPE (cold iron); DMG: 1;

    If healed they receive 2 additional HP per dice rolled: (does this apply to lay on hand or channel -- 2hp per 1d6?)
    Fey Foundling; HEAL: 2;
    (added to all incoming heals, i think? can't think -- or possible -- to dynamically coded for "per dice", so set up multiple effects like this...)
    Fey Foundling; HEAL: 4;
    Fey Foundling; HEAL: 6;

    And a +2 bonus on saves against death effects: (can't think of coding for "effects" per se, but at least for spells / spell-like...)
    Fey Foundling; IFTAG: spell, death; SAVE: 2 racial;
    Fey Foundling; IFTAG: spelllike, death; SAVE: 2 racial;

    these should hopefully cover a good chunk of what you need. the rest you'd have to be cognizant of incoming death effects and adjust manually)

    ***caveat:*** you may need to use this extension --- not sure all above are recognized by fgu default coding

    Thank you for the help! The Fey Foundling; IFT: DMGTYPE (cold iron); DMG: 1; works better than the method I found and is automatic now!

    The saves are handled already as well.

    The issue is the healing which I unfortunately cant see to get working. Even a flat 2 extra healing whenever healed doesnt work and the examples provided by you dont either.

    So I am assuming it just isnt possible to add extra healing like this and we will need to just remember.

    Anyways thanks again!

  10. #10
    Well I take it back, I could of swore it worked but it doesnt now for the Fey Foundling; IFT: DMGTYPE (cold iron); DMG: 1;.

    A little confused on that to be honest.

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